Weekend Thoughts: Shopping for Sudan


Sometimes you hear about something so big and so awful and while you know you just can’t ignore it and do nothing, you have no idea what to do.


And sometimes not knowing what to do leads to inaction.  How can I make a difference to such a big problem?  What can I do to help someone hurting half a world away?

That’s kinda how I felt after writing this weekend thought about Sudan two weeks ago.  Then Scott and I got to talking and we came up with something.

It doesn’t have to start big. 

Why don’t we start small?  Why don’t we stop thinking about what we can’t do and start doing something with what we can do?

Like shopping

Yes, you read that correctly.

How many of you shop online?  Here at the circus we do it with great frequency.  I love the fact that I can make my purchases from the peace and quiet of naptime without providing a three ring circus act for the people at Target. 

Any of you shop at Amazon?  Amazon.com has a program which allows certain sites to become "affiliates" which means Amazon will pay the site owner a referral fee for each purchase that originates via a link on the affiliate site.  LifeAtTheCircus.com has just become an affiliate and we plan to use 100% of the money raised to help those suffering in Sudan.  Please click here to find out all the specifics of our grand idea. 

I am very excited about this.  I think it can really make a difference.  It can work.   And all you gotta do is bookmark the page, and always start your amazon.com shopping by using the link or search box on that page.  No sacrifices.  No cost to you.  Just using the resources provided to make a difference for those suffering. 

Please read and bookmark the explanation page , twit it to your friends, Facebook it, even post about it on your blog if you are so inclined.  The more we tell and the more who click, the more money we can raise for those suffering in Sudan.  At 6% of each referred purchase the earnings may start small but, if this were to really take off, imagine the difference it could make.  It won’t solve all the problems, but it’s something.  And God can use our little somethings to do much greater things than we could even imagine. 

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Weekend Thought ButtonWhat are you thinking about this week?  Why not use your last post of the week to highlight something a bit "deeper" then the average Momblog fair?  I’d love to read your thoughts.  Please feel free to write and link up a  “thoughtful” post below.  You can write a new post or link up one you wrote earlier in the week. 


  1. What a great idea, I have some purchases I've been meaning to make through Amazon, and now I will make them through your page!

  2. too cool and kind of computer high tech for me, but cool, nonetheless!

  3. What a wonderful way to give! I am going to make a purchase from Amazon soon, so I'll definitely do it this way. Nothing huge, but every little bit helps! :)

  4. Very creative way to give! Love it!

  5. You are so very smart! And caring!!! Love this idea and will tweet it!


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