On Turning 30


I love birthdays.  No really, I mean, I LOVE THEM.  And I’ll be honest, I particularly love MY birthday.  As I kid I would start counting down the days till my birthday starting in January (right around my brother’s birthday). 

I can remember when Scott and I had been married about a year we were on vacation at the end of June.  My birthday, as you now know is in mid July.  One sunny afternoon I said to Scott, “Ya know, I really don’t think your excited enough about my birthday.”  It was a mere 10 days a way and I didn’t think he was focusing on it enough.   Yea…I wish I was kidding, but I am not.  I really am that child like. 

This year, my dear hubby went all out.  Truly, he out did himself and I couldn’t have asked for a better day.  He def was more than excited enough about my special day. 

The day started with my getting to sleep in.   A luxury I don’t get to enjoy all that often these days.  He then woke me up b/c the kids were decorating my birthday cakIMG_0453e and it was so precious and he knew I would enjoy watching it.  How right he was.  He completely turned the cake decorating over to them.  Gave them the cake, the container of icing and 3 knives and let them have at it.  It was adorable.  It brought back very vivid memories of my dad doing the same thing with my brother and I on my mom’s 30th birthday.  I can remember being so proud and so excited about making her cake pretty.  To see this same love and adoration poured out for me, truly melted my heart.   


After cake decorating and a quick bath for all involved parties, it was off for a family day of fun at the zoo.  We had a delightful day.  Our highlights were the polar bears, feeding the giraffe, watching an elephant drink water from his trunk,  seeing the penguins swim, and listening to the leopards growl as they paced right in front of us!   Such memorable experiences for all of us.  I love the zoo.  I love seeing the animals up close and personal.  I can’t help but marvel at the God who created them.  And I love sharing those experiences with my children.  


We stopped mid day for a picnic lunch and at the end of our time there we sat under a tree by our car and enjoyed the birthday cake while I opened my presents.  Truly delightful!


  I felt very loved and cherished when my son gave me a popsicle stick frame that he painted and decorated at VBS especially for me.  He’s been so excited about it for the last week.  He remembered my birthday was coming completely on his own, made this for me, and kept it hidden till my birthday.  I was touched. 

Scott gave me an empty birthday card and informed me that he wrote my card on my blog that day!  How sweet!  I was so excited to go home and read not only his sweet comment, but the comments of so many of my blog friends as well.  I was touched that he included you all in my birthday festivities. 

On our way to the zoo Scott told me that he got his parents to babysit so he IMG_2238could take me out to dinner for my birthday.  What a fun surprise!  So, after freshening up at home from our afternoon at the zoo, we dropped the kids off at his parents and headed out for dinner.   As the waitress was seating us I noticed out of the corner of my eye a familiar face… then another… then gradually in slow motion style, I realized that wait my close friends are all sitting together at a table and SURPRISE!  My dear sweet man had pulled it off.  I had no idea at all.  We had dinner with my close friends at my favorite restaurant!  Truly the perfect ending to an already perfect day! 

It was such fun to hear about all the scheming and organizing and stress that my husband and friends went through to pull off the surprise.  I don’t like big parties and I don’t really like surprises, b/c typically I figure out the surprise and hate the stress of trying to act surprised when I am not.  This was perfect.  Not too big, just the right size.  Completely unexpected (I had thought Scott had told me a month ago that he wasn’t doing a party for me, so it never entered my mind).    What a good time!! 

IMG_2244 **This picture is missing one couple who was there, but it was taken after they had already left.  Wasn’t able to photo shop them in, but Andrea and Joe… I was so glad you were there too!**

I’d say, so far 30 is pretty wonderful!


  1. What a FUN birthday celebration!! I can't imagine how you could have had a better day!

    Believe it or not, I said to Phil the other day that I would love for us to go to the zoo for my birthday (next week)...we're waiting to see how hot it will be (down South, you know)!!

  2. That is so great! I love Birthdays too! particularly my husbands but I think that is in part do to the fact that we were married a mere 5 days before my birthday, and Valentines day happens to be right in between.

  3. man, what a perfect day! Scott included every element you could have wanted. well done! i'm glad it was so special for you. a day you won't forget, i'm sure. :)

  4. It really was a super fun day. I wanted to say thanks for all those who participated in the blog birthday card. She really does feed off your daily comments. In fact, it is close to impossible to keep this girl from checking for comments in the mornings. I didn't want her to learn about the post until after the zoo and lets just say it got a little tense as I came up with increasingly stupid reasons why she couldn't check the computer (wasn't on, battery "died" and shut down while she was in bathroom, "can't you just help me get the kids ready for the zoo….."). We pulled it off though, she came home to a slew of your birthday greetings. You all really did make her smile. Thanks everyone.

  5. We were more that happy to use your B'day dinner as an excuse to Kiddosit. We had a super time. It was fun watching them interact with each other. Can I say that using Pops tight abs as a trampoline was funny. One of Pop's quotes was " I don't think I will be able to do this when the 5 yr old is 10. I'm thinking 6 or 7 might be his limit. Newborn was mine.

    Love you muches.

  6. Welcome to your Thirties, Chrystal! What a fun way to usher in a new decade of life. And what a super-duper husband to pull it all off. :)

  7. Sounds like a fabulous day, Crystal! Nice work, Scott! :)

  8. Andrea @ the train to crazyFriday, July 17, 2009

    Happy birthday!!! I'm so glad it was wonderful! The cake memory is wonderful. Sounds like a fun day!

  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! The pic of your kids decorating the birthday cake was so precious....and it looked like you had a wonderful day...and evening...celebration of your 30th!!! That is awesome!

  10. That does look like the best birthday ever! I, too, loved the picture of the kids decorating the cake. Although I'd be hard pressed to let my kids loose with a few knives and a tub of iccing and...sprinkles to boot. My OCD would be on fire!

    Your hubby really did see to every detail...he meant it when he said, "Big fun." That's awesome. You certainly deserve the best birthday ever.

  11. What a great day! I'm so glad you had such a special birthday. : )

  12. The cake was precious, I started to tear up!!!

  13. Habby Dirthpay!

    Wow! 30. I remember that!

    This is going to be your favorite decade I can assure you!

  14. Happy Birthday! We're about the same age. I hope you had a wonderful day. That picture with your kids making your cake is priceless. Put warm fuzzies in my heart!

  15. What a fun day!!! I love the cake....it was my favorite part of all, but everything sounded just perfect.

  16. WOW!! Scott really pulled off a perfect 30th birthday for you. Great work!! It truly was just the right blend of endearment, surprise, and friendship. And to think that you two thought the best years of your life could not be topped - Be prepared for many good ones still ahead.
    And I also remembered my 30th birthday cake - I will have to send you a copy of that picture.

  17. Glad you had such a Happy birthday. Scott is a keeper!

  18. that is just plain cool! husbands can be so sneaky (and so predictable). i'm with you on the whole figuring out the surprise. i LOVE to be surprised, but i almost ALWAYS figure it out and then have to act surprised when in the back of my head i knew all along it was coming.
    bravo, scott!
    it was fun to be a part of the celebration in virtual land!


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