Going to the Chapel…


I went to a wedding the other night.

The bride looked dashing in her floor length ball gown, with her shoulder length hair worn down.  The groom was handsome in his navy blue jacket with a red and gray tie, and a simple black eyed susan taped to his jacket lapel.   The bride carried matching black eyes susan’s picked fresh from her mother’s yard.   princess wedding 

As the ceremony began the bride’s cell phone rang.  Her groom was most disturbed b/c, “brides don’t carry cell phones to weddings.”  This bride was hearing none of that and took the call.  She wanted to ask her mom over for casserole that night following the nuptials and had been waiting for her to call her back.  After the phone call the groom planted a big wet one on his bride b/c, “they always kiss, dance, and eat cake in weddings… oh and the rings.”  The bride was not so keen on the kiss, but did enjoy the dancing turned wwf wrestling on the living room   ball room floor afterwards. 

brother, sister love


  1. I love it!! Kind of hard to see the bride's face for all the flowers, but I just know she looked beautiful!! LOL :)

  2. that is so cute! love the way you told the story. so creative!

  3. Awww I think that's the cutest wedding I've seen in a long time! Those flowers are gorgeous!

  4. That sounds like quite a wedding!

  5. Very creative commentary. Love it! I especially like the part where she invites her mommy over for casseroles.

  6. How funny!!! It looks like so much more fun than any wedding I've ever been to! And the bride's dress is precious....a real princess!

  7. how cute! i'm a little concerned, though, that your daughter has a cell phone! but impressed she can cook a casserole. :)

  8. Fear not, it is a play, princess phone. :-)

  9. so cute! I remember when my little brother asked me to marry him it was the perfect proposal a 4 year old could manage!

  10. SO cute - and what a story teller you are!!!


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