Wasn’t Me…

Nothing like a week of Vacation Bible School to leave this circus mom with more “not me” moments than I care to admit.  Because I love to keep it real, here’s a few highlights from our week.


Meet my dear friend.  When it comes to friends, she’s one of the bestest.  For many reasons.   An example of which is the fact that she willingly cuts my girls hair for me.  A fact they will thank her for profusely over the years as their Mommy isn’t so good at cutting straight lines.   It wasn’t my daughter sitting on our minivan porta potty getting her hair cut in the church parking lot after VBS.  Surely I would have been on top of things and not let her bangs get soo long and her ends so split  making her so desperately in need of  a haircut that we would do it in the parking lot!


parking lot haircuts


And it wasn’t me who sent my potty training tyke to the nursery in a swimmy diaper b/c we were out of diapers and pull ups and running late for VBS.  I wouldn’t have risked having her pee all over the nursery or waste an expensive swimmy for a non pool outing! 


Nor was it me who stopped at the grocery store on Thursday for milk, and decided to make sure I had all the necessary ingredients for those cookies I’d be craving (such as sugar, eggs, brown sugar, choc chips) only to come home and realize I had no butter.  And it wasn’t me who face booked about this sad dilemma.   Later that same afternoon it wasn’t me who went to check on my dinner cooking in the crock pot only to discover that even though the crock pot was indeed on low, it never heated up.  Wasn’t me who then face booked that fiasco as well as a whine of “what will we have for dinner now?”   Upon receiving a reply from a friend saying I could have cereal for dinner since I had milk, it wasn’t me who wondered how in the world Becky knew I had  milk…forgetting my status from earlier in the day.  Not me at all.  I wouldn’t share way more info than the world cares about my life and then forgot what I shared!  It also wasn’t me who 2 days after purchasing the butter and then  finally getting around to baking those cookies remembered that I had used up all our baking soda cleaning the bath tub earlier that week! 


Nope, not me…



  1. We all have to forgive to for your forgetfulness. It was a busy week that we wouldn't change for anything, even if it left us all half braindead.

  2. It's posts like this that make me feel so much better about myself!! I am so glad I am not the only one who does things like this!! :)

  3. You know any post that features the Circus porta potty is going to be a good one! Love that it doubles as a hairdresser's chair!

    *I let us run out of diapers this weekend. A first for me.

    Did you save me any chocolate chip cookies???

    Is this the first time you had your bathtub clean BEFORE making cookies? You're priorities are shifting!

  4. LOVE your blog!! great not me's!!

  5. I love the hair cut picture...definitely a creative place for a hair cut! Happy Monday!

  6. Hmm, maybe I should have a friend cut Jordan's hair in the parking lot...it would look a lot better than when I do it, since I can't cut a straight line either! LOL!

    P.S. I have a giveaway going that I think might be right up your alley for camping trips, and other outdoor fun!


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