And now for something completely different


I’ve been to a few parades in my day.  Unlike the kids, I’m not all that surprised by what I see.  I’ve come to expect the fire trucks, army tanks, corvettes, marching bands…

This year however, there were a few things I hadn’t seen before. 

green parade entries

Gotta love keeping it green with the organic fertilizer.  Not your typical parade entry.

This was probably my favorite though. 

safety first

I’m all for safety, really I am, but if that missile accidentally goes off, how much good will that fire extinguisher do?


  1. that definitely made me lol. the fire extinguisher part, anyways. safety first!

  2. Yeah, I'm not sure that one could even access the extinguisher in such a case!

  3. Thanks for the smile this morning. : )

  4. too funny! i noticed at our parade that it's alot more fun to go to parades when your kids are a little bit older. when they can get their own candy and you don't have to worry about the little one getting run over or the big one crying because another little kids just snatched the candy from her HAND! and the littlest one just holding on tight because you keep bending over to pick up more and all he wants to do is go to sleep.

  5. Oh, that is funny. Good observation with the fire extinguisher. Too bad "organic fertilizer" in this case would really just be stinky poop that would burn your plants instead of help them.


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