Up Close and Personal


Last week we took the kids to the local zoo.  We have tried to go once a year for the past several years.  We go in part b/c we want to give the kids a chance to see the exotic animals up close.  It’s so fun to watch their reactions.  But, I’ll be honest, we also go b/c I love to see the animals up close!  It is amazing and awe inspiring and I don’t think I could ever tire of it!  (And I am not even an animal person). 

Three preschool kids at the zoo in Maryland in the heat of summer.  Why, you might ask?  Well, that I’ve already answered that, it’s fun.  How?  We have a strategy that has worked really well for for us.  We don’t attempt to see it all.  We don’t make it a day long affair.  We pick the few select animals we want to see, we take our time and enjoy them, and we leave happy.  I don’t try to “get my money’s worth” and see every single animal in the zoo.  I feel I get more than my money’s worth by enjoying the select ones we do see.  One year I’d like to get a zoo membership and try to go back often and gradually see them all.  The past two years we’ve been pretty fascinated by the same select few. 

The polar bears.


The giraffe



The elephant



And the leopard. 


This year, we had a few exciting moments as we got to feed the giraffe, watch the elephants drink water from their trunk, and watch and listen to the leopard pace and growl.  Because we saw only a few we spent a good deal of time observing them.  We saw more than just these 4 animals, but these were by far the highlight for the circus crew. 

Follow the links for more fun with pictures (some more wordy and some less).  And for more helpful tips, visit here


  1. Great pics! I love the first one of your daughter looking at the polar bear...the pink hat totally "pops" the picture! I'll have to try the Circus zoo method b/c I admit I am not a zoo fan, but maybe its because we do try and see it all in one hot day.

  2. Zoo's are awesome. I will be wfmwing about zoos in the next few weeks. We often do what you do, chooses a few animals and spend time there. A way to enhance that method is this: get an annual zoo pass. Our's generally pays off after 3 visits. If you went once a month you would probably see the whole zoo twice in a year even by your method. After the year we are usually zooed out and wait another year or so before we get a new pass. Our zoo even sends us free passes a couple times a year to entice us back on the times were on a break.

  3. I agree! We have a membership to our zoo, so I really don't feel any pressure to get my money's worth. And if one of the kids is clamoring to see another area of the zoo when the rest of us are ready to go home it is easy to say, "We'll be back again soon and we'll see that first next time!"

  4. It looks like they had a great time!

    And your camera rocks...those are some awesome shots!

  5. I couldn't agree more......even though now that my girls are older going to the zoo hasn't happened in years!

  6. Love that 1st giraffe photo! Beautiful!

    Mom All Day

  7. Oh, I loved the elephant pictures! Great shots. It looks like fun was had by all. :)

    My WW ~ Spread Your Wings & Fly

  8. Great photos! My little one would go to the zoo every day if he could!

  9. I'll have to remember your advice on zoo hopping when I start taking my daughter. Makes a lot of sense!

    Happy WW!

  10. I love the pictures! They are so clear!!!!

    I'm like you. I like certain animals. My favorites are the bears and the lions!! My least favorites are the birds..lol!

  11. My kids have always loved the zoo. Great photos!

    Stopping by from We are THAT Family. :)

  12. What great pictures of the animals! Wish our animals at our zoo were that up close!

  13. Those are great pics!!! I really need to get my kids to the zoo soon ~ we don't have one where I live :(

    Come stop by my blog ~ I'm sharing a tasty thing I found that works for me and my daughter, which you'll see LOL. Plus I have a little info on a Non-BlogHer party going on with GIVEAWAYS and fun!! www.garibaysoup.com

  14. Wow! You really were up close! Your pictures are beautiful. I like the approach you take in focusing on a few and really enjoying them instead of trying to "get your money's worth". What a great approach for life in general! I would also definitely recommend a zoo membership. We lived behind a huge zoo our first year of marriage and got a membership. We would walk there through the back gate almost every Sunday afternoon. I have such fond memories of that!

  15. These are really great photos!

  16. We love going to the zoo. Looks like everyone had lots of fun.

  17. Great pictures!! Your plan has really worked well for the past few visits! Great that you ENJOY the trip.

  18. man, look at all the comments you have so far!...

    i love your pictures. it makes me want to see a giraffe again! i haven't been to the zoo in ages. i always remember loving the aquarium, too. i'm glad you've figured out the formula that works for your kids. i'll have to remember that some day.

  19. oh my to be so close!! Super pictures

  20. which zoo is that? the kids looked like they had fun.

  21. I always feel like we have to see everything.... next time we might try it your way.. maybe we would have more fun that way. Thanks for sharing.

  22. very cool. i'm glad it was a good experience. too bad the zoo isn't free.

  23. I love that approach to the zoo! what a great Idea!

  24. That is the ONLY way I'll do the zoo. Go to the "must see" animals, have a snack and go home! When we lived near a great zoo we had a zoo pass so we could come for just an hour and not feel guilty about the money spent! The zoo I just went to hear was sad! I won't be getting a pass to that one.


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