The Tale of Two Nephews


About 7 months ago we received a phone call that we’d been hoping for, for several years now.  My sister in law (Scott’s sister) was pregnant!  And there was much rejoicing and squealing at the circus house.  Later that same week, we learned that my other sister in law (my brother’s wife) was also expecting a baby!  Their due dates were within 2 weeks of each other.  And a few months later we found out that they were both expecting boys.

There was much rejoicing and dreaming of blue at the circus house as we anticipated our new nephews and cousins!

Well, 2 weeks ago we got the call from my brother that his wife’s water had broken and they were on the way to the hospital.  The next morning the circus crew took a day trip to meet our new little nephew.  The kids were so excited to see their little cousin, only hours old.

meeting our cousin 

After watching everyone take turns holding him, my youngest went over to the sink to wash her hands.  She then proclaimed, “my turn to hold the baby.”  We had to explain that even though she washed her hands, she was not old enough to hold her baby cousin and would instead have to stick with watching while holding her baby doll.  (given the gentle and loving way with which she was holding her doll, I don’t know why we didn’t just pass him off to her).

eager to hold the baby

It was such a joy to be able to hold him and welcome him into the family.

Now, we are very eagerly awaiting the phone call from El Paso, letting us know when our next nephew is making his debut!  I am hoping it is soon as I can’t wait to meet him and I am sure my dear SIL is tired of being 9 months pregnant in the 105 degree Texas heat. 

And yes, these beautiful bundles of blue, sure make it hard on the circus Mommy as her baby has outgrown her need for a crib and now changing table!  With all 3 walking, talking and wearing underwear, I officially don’t have a baby or even a toddler anymore at the circus!


  1. Congratulations to the growing families! Cousins are so much fun! I wish you all lived closer but am glad you could get out for a visit for such a happy occasion!

  2. I guess that means you'll have to have another Krystal

  3. I say you look like you were meant to be holding a baby and your youngest looks like she doesn't want to be the youngest!!!!!!

    But, then again, I'm not really in a position to make those decisions for your family.


    I guess if you really are done then you will just have to enjoy those nephews of yours!

  4. Well, you COULD do something about that...


  5. i vote for the more the merrier, but then again, i don't even have three yet, not to mention four! and i was also wondering if you could volunteer to potty train my 2 year old. she's not so much a fan of the idea!

  6. i love that it almost sounds like you're complaining about your youngest being out of diapers... :) yes, the countdown has begun. only 5 more days until the official due date. crazy! i was secretly hoping to beat your other SIL (given the heat and all) but am so thrilled for their new little one. and, in case you haven't been told this enough, you DO look like a natural with that little one in your arms. n0w i know who to call when they tell me i can bring our guy home and i get that panicked look in my eye!

  7. Sounds like someone's getting a touch of baby fever! Is there a posibility of a 4th circus member in the future or are you satisfied with getting your baby fix from your new nephew and soon to be nephew?

  8. LOL..I had to laugh at the picture of your daughter holding her doll!!!!! That was too funny!!

  9. So excited to hear of the two nephews and will await news about Karen's little one.

  10. your sense of humor is so hysterical and congratulations!

  11. So glad to see a comment from Stella/Karen - now I know she hasn't had the baby and forgot to tell us! ;) Just kidding of course Karen!

    LOVE the picture of your daughter holding her doll upside down - maybe she's working on a new burping technique?

  12. How I am subscribed to both your sister-in-laws' blogs!

    I think a 4-ring circus sounds about right! :)

  13. congratulations! New family members are always exciting! And you have one cute nephew there!

  14. This really was a great day

  15. I know a good friend of yours in MD who would LOVE to have you join her, as she goes for #4. :-)

  16. mr or mrs anonymous, you have me quite curious as to who you are and which of my friends is expecting number 4. :-)

  17. Wooh, I do not want to start any rumors... all I know is that there has been interest expressed in #4. Sorry to give your mind/thoughts a work out... Please forgive me.

  18. Wow! I didn't think most hospitals here would let you take non-sibling little ones in to visit. Anywho...congratulations! What is his name?


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