Too Many Ladies



A few weeks ago my son came up to me and asked if Prince Charming was always the prince.  I told him yes.  His eyes got really big and he said, “Wow, that is a lot of princesses to take care of.” 

Apparently, he wasn’t done pondering the subject, because later while holding up his sister’s sippy cup, he remarked, “That’s too many princesses for one guy… you’re only supposed to have one.”

How right he is. 


  1. Cuuuute! We moms could write a book on all the cute things our kids say.

  2. That is really adorable. It too bad "Prince Charming" was never given a name other than that... Which I have to say I have spent a lot of time pondering as a child. the princess were all unique and special people and the closest to a personality any prince was given was the beast. (in the original fairy tails that is not the Disney versions). I recently had the subject come up in a defense of chivalry that I had read. The argument/explanation went that woman being the physically weaker of the sexes needs to socially dominate if not culturally or politically. It helps to balance the aggressive tendencies in males and to an extent protect woman is the natural reverence that men bear there mother's is cultivated for the gender in general.

    Wow this turned out to be a lot longer of a comment than I intended...

  3. Gosh, it's going to be one lucky girl who ends up with your son someday! He's a heart melter! And so darn wise! Blessed be that woman someday!

  4. This made me laugh. What an observant kid he is! You can be proud of his values already. : )

  5. i love this! my daughter was asking what i was looking at, since she saw the princess cup. after sharing the story, she was quick to point out that ariel's prince is eric, aurora's prince is phillip, and belle's prince is the beast. silly boys! what do they know!!!

  6. She is quite correct. Though a look on Wikipedia confirmed for me that Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, and Snow White all share Prince Charming. BTW his "favorite" princess I believe is Belle b/c as he told me the other day, "she is quite brave... she was the only one not afraid of the beast." :-)

  7. Cracking up. I know Jason can only handle one princess. LOL!

  8. He is too smart for his own good!!

  9. Proud of this little man. May his values endure the years to come. Great lesson on the princes and princesses.


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