Taking Care of Business


This week Scott had a business trip.

It could not have come at a worse time for him.  He has some big deadlines at work and this trip meant 3 days away from the office.  He knew before he left that he would return swamped.  It seemed there were more reasons for him not to go, than to go.  And while it seemed not to make any sense, away he went.

Wanna know the really cool part?

IMG_5047 The place he had to go was near where his Nana lives.  He hasn’t seen his Nana in a year and now he was able to spend two nights with her.  His Nana is one of the neatest ladies I’ve known and I was quite jealous of the time he got to spend with her. 

Wanna know the really, really cool part about the timing?

This week marked one year since his Grandpa went home to be with our Lord.   As I was packing up Scott’s suitcase, I realized the significance of the week.  I said to Scott, “Ya know I know it really doesn’t make any sense for you to go on this trip, but I can’t help but think that perhaps God orchestrated all this so that you could be with your Nana this week.  To give her something else to focus on and think about.”  (If you knew Nana, you’d know that she probably spent all week preparing for his arrival, planning the dinner menu, getting everything ready…)

I do know that our Heavenly Father loves his children very much and He cares about them immensely.  I think it is entirely possible he arranged for Scott to be at the right place at the right time to bring comfort to his Nana.   And that thought enabled me to smile as I hugged him goodbye, for I knew his trip was so much more than just a business trip, he was doing God’s business as well.


  1. It is so wonderful how God orchestrates His plans for our good. How pleasing it is to Him when we follow His lead, and do His will in our lives. God uses us to serve others; how comforting for Nana.

  2. What a blessing! God has been doing some good things this week.

  3. That must have been SO nice for her!

  4. That last sentence left me with goosebumps!

    I can't imagine how much better Nana's week must have been with something to look forward to and prepare for.

  5. He sent Scott there to take her mind off of it and to have a loved one there. How cool is that?! I bet it meant more to her than you guys will ever know. The elderly get SO lonely.


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