Snap Shots of the Circus This Week


Not exactly wordless this week, but since it is in fact Wednesday, I decided to share some pictures from our week.

Our Little Lady:  All dressed up with no place to go!


She was so proud when she discovered her “new trick”  “Mom, I can do my ‘noisy medicine’ (aka nebulizer) while playing legos…this is my new trick!”


Someone got into Mommy’s dresser and proudly paraded down the hall saying, “Pretty”


My daughter came downstairs the other day and told me her brother was using the screwdriver.  I instantly panicked after remembering his little escapade last summer with the screwdriver. I was relieved to find he had just taken the screws off of the little plate off of the doorway.  He then put them back on and screwdriver away!  (not sure which was the bigger feat, unscrewing and screwing in the screws, or putting the screwdriver back where it belonged when he was done)!


Since my daughter started feeling sick this weekend she has opted to sleep on the floor with a bunch of pillows to help elevate her head.  I came in to check on her and found she had set up Emma on a pillow beside her.



  1. What a week you have had! These are some cute pictures though. There is always something really cute about snugly sick kids. Hope you all are feeling better

  2. Yup, those are some cuuuuute pictures...that one with your youngest and the boa around her neck...downright adorable. Your middle and her mad multi-tasking skills with the nebulizer and her legos makes me think she will be a great mommy someday! And your oldest is obviously going to be very handy around the house!
    Glad to hear today is shaping up to be better.

  3. These are so much fun!! What cute pictures....your kids are adorable and I just love your descriptions.

  4. Looks like a week of creativity to me. :)

  5. What a great post! My oldest daughter has named her baby doll "Emma" too. Oh, and I LOVE your Erma Bombeck true!!

  6. Such great pictures!
    OH MY WORD, we could not let the boys get a hold of a screw driver. They would destroy the house.

    I love your candor! So very you!

  7. i'm glad you're able to find the good moments in this crazy week for you!

  8. Oh the nebulizer... ug! We do that once a day! Our doctor just started us on zertec (did I spell that right?) every night and I think it has helped times a million!! We are usually in the ER ever month with out son's asthma but after starting the Z it has been over a month with no episode!

  9. Cute pix! I forgot to mention in my previous comments (and didn't want to mess up your contest by commenting again). I LOVE your new design! Three cheers for your hubby!!!


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