A Year Ago Today…


One year ago today I entered into this crazy blogging world.  My initial post was very short and my commenter's were only IRL friends and family.  For awhile I only received comments from my mom, my mother in law or one of my two sisters in law. 

Now I have by no means “made it” in the blogging world.  If anything, I have learned that there are a gazillion mommy bloggers out there with cute kids and tales to share.  What makes some rise to the top with hundreds of commenter's and thousands in their RSS feed?  I do not know.   But, I do not measure my success in the numbers of people reading and responding to my thoughts each day.  I love blogging and even though I only have a scattering of faithful readers each day, I still consider it a worthwhile investment of my time.  And the reason is for those of you with whom I have formed a “real” relationship.  A year ago today I had no idea that I would make true friends through this blogging world.  No idea that I would rekindle relationships with people I had lost contact with years ago. I had no idea I would find myself earnestly praying for, rejoicing with, and caring genuinely about these ladies whom I have never seen face to face. 

This year has been a huge blessing to me.  I discovered a love for writing that I didn’t realize was there and an outlet I didn’t realize I needed.  I’ve been given an avenue to preserve my children’s antics that doesn’t feel like homework and which later I will be able to look back on and recall fondly this stage in our life. 

Blogging has become a common word in the circus family’s vocabulary.  My son or daughter will laugh about something and then ask if I will “put that on my blog.”  My husband has been more than supportive of this new endeavor and the time it takes me each day to invest in it and in the lives of people I meet through it.  He daily reads my posts and checks my comments.  The past two weeks he has spent way, way more time working on my blog than I have.  He’s been coming home from a long day at work, helping me put the kids to bed and then sitting at the dining room table, learning CSS and other codes and languages which I don’t understand in order to design for me the blog of my dreams.    We’ve had to Tivo two weeks worth of our favorite shows b/c every night it’s been nothing but the blog.  I’m embarrassed to admit that on more than one night I went to bed before him as he stayed up until the morning adjusting this color or that line, to make it come out the way we envisioned.  Thanks honey, I love you too!  More than you could ever know!! 

So, a year of blogging has shown me that while blogging does take a good deal of time, it is also a lot of fun.  I still absolutely love every comment I get.  I love the interaction.  The only thing better would be to sit and chat face to face with my readers, maybe over a cup of coffee.  While I can’t make that work, I can at least offer one of my lucky readers a frappuchino on me!  That’s right, in honor of my one year blogoversary and the friendships I have made through this endeavor, I am giving away a $10 Starbucks gift card.  Perhaps it will encourage some of my “lurkers” to come out of the woodwork and say hello.  I’d love to meet you and get to know you better.  All you have to do to enter, is leave a comment below.   To increase your chance of winning, you can subscribe to my RSS feed and or follow me on twitter  (you can’t miss the links on my supper cool new blog design :-).  Just leave a separate comment letting me know that you did so.  I’ll announce the lucky winner on Monday and include all comments received before 1:00pm EST Monday in the drawing.  

I can’t wait to hear from you!


  1. I love your new layout! Great Job, Scott. I have enjoyed reading your blog over the past year:) Love from your cousin.

  2. Like the family at the top. Don't want the frap. though.

  3. Love it Crystal! Scott did a great job! With our GCC and Karen connection I'm sure we'll run into each other one of these days - but blogging has been such a fun way to get to know you and your family. I'm going to follow you on twitter - I just started doing it as well, but have no clue what I'm doing!

  4. love the blog layout! floored that you twitter, and even though i'm your SIL, i'm shamelessly entering for that frappuchino. maybe we could enjoy it together next weekend?? :) great job, Scott. you have a lot of wives jealous that you even read your wife's blog, let alone spend hours making it better.

    thanks for being a blogger, Crystal. it's what got me into it, but even more important, it makes MD and TX feel not so far away some days. i love your family more than i ever knew.

    big smile, and maybe a tear.

  5. I absolutely love the new design!!! It is so so so cute! I am so glad that you started blogging a year ago. I am so happy to be able to call you a friend.

    Unfortunately, we don't have a Starbucks around here, so I can't use the gift certificate.

    And a big kudos to your husband for working so hard to help you with your blog. He did an awesome job!

  6. Happy Blog-o-versary!!! I had mine a few weeks ago and forgot all about it. I am trying to get some things together for a mini party for April. I can not believe I forgot my own!

  7. Happy Blog-o-versary. Has it really been a year already?? I love being able to keep up with you and the family's lives. Helps to not miss you QUITE so much. LOL What a terrific job both of you do on this site. Your hubby deserves accolades for his extra duty. Keep up the great writing.

  8. happy blog-o-versary friend!!! i can't even begin to tell you how much i have LOVED reading your blog over the last year. it makes it seem like there are less miles between us. i have laughed, cried,and been inspired by you day in and out over the last year and i want you to know that this blog is as much a blessing for us as it is for you. maybe more! love you!!!

  9. so i think i just subscribed (i know, after a year's worth of reading ;)) but it said that i subscribed to the houston chronicle? help?

  10. Love the new blog layout. Yes, I'm a lurker. Being a mom of two, I find so much connection with other moms who are enjoying all that you learn and love with little kiddos. Definitely keep writing!

  11. No lurking here! However, I absolutely love love love the new Circus look! It looks super professional! Scott....GREAT JOB! Blogger ladies all over are bowing down and weeping tears of awe over your dedication and committment.

    Crystal...What can I say? I am so glad I discovered the Circus and you! You have "made it" in the blogging world as far as I'm concerned. I look forward to another year of reading and long-winded commenting!

    Oh, and uh if we dont' meet in May I will cry.

    Just a little FYI. :)

  12. Count me in!!

    Oh, and there's a Charles Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa, California!! We just love it!! Snoopy was one the first cartoons I copied when I was, like, four, so I too {heart} CB and all his gang--even wanted to marry Schroeder when I was a girl. I would so be a better match for him than Lucy. I "get" his art. ; )

  13. Tweeting with you, too!

    Oh, and you have the best husb'd, mom, MIL and SIL's!! How supportive!!

  14. Usually I keep up with your blog in my Google Reader, but I had to jump over to check it out today. Nice work! I love the illustration in the header!

  15. Scott did a wonderful job - the new design looks great! Happy blogaversary!

  16. I love the new Blog back ground! And I'm glad you started blog or I probably never would have.

  17. Congrats on not only reaching a year of blogging, but making it a fantastic one! This layout looks great! Thanks for faithful transparency, the laughs, and of course the fantastic photos. They are testimony to a beautiful family and encouragement for those who read....even those who lurk! - guilty!

  18. Congrats! It's always fun to celebrate blogging milestones...especially with Starbucks gift cards! Thanks for the chance!

  19. I already subscribe to your blog in my google reader. Thanks for chance #2!!!

  20. I am SO glad that we reconnected this way. Finding you was one of the best surprises I've had blogging. I've loved keeping up with your life and kiddos - and rekindling our friendship again.

    Congratulations on one year! I think it's awesome when busy Mommas still take the time to blog - even when life gets crazy. Congrats on sticking with it - I know it's not always easy!

    Thanks for the chance at the gift card. LOVE me some Starbucks!

  21. Love your blog layout!! Happy blogaversary! I love Starbucks!! ;)

  22. I'm following you on Twitter! (luvcontests)

    Blessings! :)

  23. Happy Blogoversary! Your design looks great!! This post was really encouraging to me since I'm a new blogger. Thanks!

  24. Scott's the man! How cool is this!?
    Happy Blogoversary! I'm SO glad I found your blog. I think we've been talking (commenting) for close to a year! Wow, how time flies.

  25. I'm a guy. I'm a dad! I enjoy fly-fishing, camping, soccer and read Melville (who wrote the greatest fishing yarn ever told)...and think C.S. Lewis is a stud.

    (I'd start a men's clothing catalogue for guys who wanna dress like a medieval literary scholar if I could...but everyone's dressing in either all-black, donning anything emblazoned with a skull, impersonating pirates (tatoos, earrings, facial hair, the works) or like they want to get on to reality TV...)

    What the heck am I doing reading mommy-blogs???

    Well, congratulations! And thanks for minimizing references to poo! :)

  26. Happy Blogoversary It sur makes it easy to keep up with you all. I can watch your family going ons. You sure make a it seem like we are there with I
    love to laugh with you. KEEP it up

  27. I follow you on twitter now!

  28. Who doesn't love Starbucks! Pick me, pick me!


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