

Someday when I open my silverware drawer I will find each piece sitting neatly in the slot it belongs.

Someday my kids won’t come running when they hear me opening the dishwasher, eager to help put the dishes away.

And I will look back on these days when my 19 mth old did it all by herself with longing.

So, today I am enjoying the help!


Check out 5M4M for actual Wordless Wednesdays.


  1. That's the way to think of it. cute post and girls help the same way and their almost 6, lol I hope you'll swing by my site, The IE Mommy, to see my WW entry and to enter our photo poster giveaway! Thanks for sharing.

  2. LOL that's a normal occurance at our house. My two year old loves to help empty the dishwasher. . . .even when the dishes are dirty.

  3. Ah yes, the "help." I remember it well. And now I miss it!

  4. *L* How cute!! Great photo to treasure after they've grown!

  5. Now that one made me laugh! What a wonderful post!

  6. Enjoy these days - they go by too quickly. Also, someday you will be LOOKING for that help LOL

  7. This post makes me wonder if #3 will help get rid of the OCD because just looking at that picture has me about to jump in my mini van, drive to Maryland, and put all that silverware aware properly.


    It is cute, though, in a very disturbing kind of way.

  8. At least they ended up in the right drawer!

  9. How do you get your children to come running WANTING to help unload the dishwasher? I need that secret! lol

  10. Haha! I love it! And love that fact that you let her help without getting all uptight about it. Shows you are a fun and cool mom.

  11. does the drawer even close? i bet she was so proud of herself for helping, too. :)

  12. I love it!!! You always have such great perspective!

  13. HAHAHA! You DO have a great perspective! I love letting the kids help - but it can be hard sometimes for me - being patient!

  14. Ahhhh...that Someday. Here, when things start looking like that, I remind myself and husb'd that someday everything will be in its place; someday nothing will be lost unless from our own hand; someday the bathrooms will stay clean for more than one day; someday there will be no such thing as single socks; and someday all will be quiet and peaceful.

    I don't know about you, but I loathe Someday.


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