A Little Help from My Friends


Yesterday when I was taking a picture of my son with his “baby” to post on the blog, he asked what I was going to do with the picture. 

Son: “Are you going to send it away to people?”

Me: No, I’m just putting it on my blog. 

Son: But I want this picture for my scrapbook.

Me: That’s fine, you can still have the picture, they’re not taking it, just looking at it.

Son: Do you know the people that see your blog?

Me: Not all of them.

Son: Then why are you putting this picture on there?

Me: Because I want to tell them about how happy we are to find baby.

Son: Did they know baby was missing?

Me: No

Son: Then why are you telling them? 


Ah, the dear boy has stumbled upon one of the mysteries of blogging… who are these people visiting my site?  Why do they care about our life?  I’ve been blogging for almost a year now and I don’t have these answers exactly figured out.  But I do know that since starting my blog last spring, I’ve had the rare opportunity to share my life with people I otherwise may not have met and in doing so have formed some friendships with people both near and far, for which I am immensely grateful.

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In honor of my blogoversary coming next week and as a belated birthday present, my dear husband is doing a blog redesign for me.  New format, new header, all sorts of new features.  I am so excited about it!  As we are working on this, I am wondering if you, dear readers, could lend us a hand? 

We are updating my favorite acts link, and I am just wondering if those of you who read faithfully would mind letting me know which post or posts stick out in your mind as favorites?


  1. I am so thankful that you started this blogging adventure! I have enjoyed getting to know you and your family so much!!!

    I'll have to get back to you on my favorite post...so many to choose from!

    PS - I got your package today. Thank you so much for the wonderful suprises!!! It really made my day!

  2. I enjoy reading it to see what you and your family are up to... When you do not post, it lets me know that you life has been chaotic, and it reminds me to pray for you all. Additionally, I have picked up tips in raising and training kids, since my oldest is the age of your middle daughter.

  3. Don't have an opinion about the blog site and have known you for a couple of years now but you can share with your son that by writing this you are reaching people for Christ with a number of you messages and that's why you want to share these stories with people you haven't met yet.

  4. A blog makeover will be awesome!

    I can't think of any specific posts that are my favorite, but I liked the idea of starting a "Weekend Thoughts" carnival...I would totally join in if you were hosting!

  5. Gosh, I'm feeling under the gun trying to come up with my favorite Circus post...there are many many I just loved. I might need some time to go through the archives...

    I think it is so cool that you are getting a blog makeover, though. Totally jealous! Can't wait to celebrate the big blogoversary with you!

    P.s. tell that cutie son of yours strangers love reading about him on the internet because he's so sweet and so cute and he brightens people's day! And his mom reminds people of Christ's love and grace daily. She's a cutie, too. :)

  6. I like the photo on Valentine's Day of Daddy & "The Acrobat" in B&W by the street.
    I also like your stories on the homeless service.

  7. Congrats on the blogoversary. I can't wait to see your new design.

  8. Your Blog has the best formatting of any I read. It is well organized and has a nice lay out. I can't imagine anything to make it better! But I am sure you will! I always like to see what you all produce when your creative juices combine!


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