Why We Love Camping


Here are the top 10 reasons why my family loves to go camping.

10. It's cheaper than a hotel

($20 a night versus $150 a night)A mother daughter moment

9. Smores!


8.  It ensures that the ground will get the water its been deprived of all summer long.

camping and WV 034

7. Beautiful views


6. Togetherness

camping and WV 048

(look how cozy our beds look in there...we almost always wake with at least one kiddo snuggled up next to us)

5. Dining al fresco


(some people pay big bucks to eat in the great outdoors)

4.  Everything tastes better when it's cooked over a fireIMG_6887 

(note the distance between my daughter's hot dog and the actual fire...not exactly cooked)

3.  Daddy does most of the cooking


2.  The kids can play freely and without worry of breaking things.

camping and WV 008

(lest you think we are horrid parents, this was NOT the fire pit we used for the campfire)

1.  You don't have to be clean 


(anytime one of us went to take a shower or clean up while camping, my son would say, "But Mom, when your camping you don't have to be clean!")


We went on a few camping trips this summer and made many priceless memories.  To read what other people did this summer, check out Kristen's Sizzling Summer Vacation Spectacle.


  1. Cuteness. I especially LOVE the S'mores photo, he and I could be soul mates! :-)

  2. What a great post and fabulous vacation! We love camping and I agree with all your reasons! Loved the picture of the smores and your son, that was your son, right? And not a smores posing as your son....

  3. That boy loves his S'mores! Too precious!!

  4. awh...me too!

    Great share and tell!!! Liked all pix but loved the sticky smore's one most as I could taste it!!!

  5. what a great idea for a post! kuddos for adding all the pics. your family is so fun. we're going camping next weekend (on our kayaks!) and i can't wait.

  6. #8 -You too?? LOL I shouldn't have complained so much on my blog . . . . .this is the only time we'v'e been to the coast that we've encountered rain. That's a miracle itself! My son also was not happy whenever I had him bathe :-)

  7. Beautiful pictures! I like camping too!

  8. We are hoping to go camping this fall so it will be a bit cooler, looks like you had a great time!

  9. Wow it looks like you all had a blast, we are going on our first camping trip this weekend! I am not so excited, but I am going to try to be a good sport about it!

  10. It always looks like you guys have so much fun!!!

  11. Looks like a wonderful time was had by all!! I especially loved the S'mores picture...with marshmallow on the eyeball. So cute!

  12. How fun! Our family loves to camp too.

  13. I think it's a great thing for families to enjoy nature and appreciate the simple things in life.
    Andy has a camper for sell on his car lot so now I think he's wanting us to give it a try. Never been camping. You'll have to tell me what to pack. Besides smores...of course.

  14. oooooh, what fun! It looks like ya'll had a great time! Especially with the smores! How cute!

  15. Oh do I remember those days Even when we wore on the beach in summer it was so cold. But still think of those years.

  16. I will use ANY excuse to eat S'mores. Your kids are going to treasure these memories!

  17. The picture of him eating the smores with the marshmallow all the way up into his EYE should win a prize, seriously!

    I posted something today calling for stories about your worst parenting mistakes. If you've already posted one in the past or feel like posting another one and linking up, I'd definitely appreciate it! :)

  18. #8 has me truly LOL!!!! :)
    Looks like a fun camping trip.
    I haven't ever been camping.

  19. What a great list! I personally like 3 and 4 the best but for the kids hands down number 1 is the best. They can get as dirty as they want, catch as many bugs and other creepy crawlies as they want. Happy camping

  20. Oh I LOVE this post! It is so true and the reasons why we camp too!

  21. Hi, again! I stopped by earlier and left a comment from the linky page, then I popped in from my comment page to say thanks for stopping by my blog. I saw that you had left some Steeler love on my blog. :o) Then I read that you went to training camp. Cool! :o)

  22. Makes we almost want to go camping.

  23. We love camping, too! The s'mores picture and the last picture are the best! It is all about getting dirty.

  24. Yum! S'mores are my favorite thing about camping. Great list & pics!

  25. Almost makes me want to camp.



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