Sometimes Life S-T-I-N-K-S!!!


Wednesday was one of those days.   I heard my baby fussing from her nap so I went in to get her.  I knew when I approached the door she needed her diaper changed.  It was that smelly. 

IMG_6727However, when I went to pick her up, I was surprised to discover her diaper didn't do it's job.  (and unlike last time, there really was a diaper there, it just didn't seem to hold the goods)!  

After stripping her down and wiping off her entire lower body, I picked her up to go and get the camera from the other room. 

As I entered the room, I wondered if perhaps I missed a spot on my daughter b/c it seemed to smell in here as well.  I rounded the corner only to discover that the dog we are pet sitting this week left a surprise for me in the dining room!


So I strapped my baby into the high chair while I cleaned the dog poop off of the floor.

After cleaning up the floor, I went back to the nursery to strip the sheets so I could soak them, her dress, and her lovey in some oxiclean.  As I carried my daughter down the hall, I looked down at her head and noticed for the first time that I didn't do a thorough job of cleaning the poop off of her. 

Take a close look at her poor baby must've been rolling around in her own poop!!


After sticking her stuff in the wash to soak, it was back upstairs to give her a bath.   I love this expression on her face, she was so not amused by the whole ordeal.  Can't say that I was all that thrilled myself!

But 45 minutes later the mess was finally behind us!  When asked how my afternoon was, I could only reply, "It stunk!" 



  1. um.... i might just start a petition to get poop pictures off the internet - and it might start with yours! i'm so sorry you had to deal with that, times 2! yuck! you're a trooper. :)

  2. I would have been somewhere in a corner, rocking back and forth and begging the Boogey Man to make the poop go away.

    Two in one day? You seriously are Wonder Woman to have dealt with that and lived to tell the tale!

  3. Ouch! The leaky poopy diaper is the worst. So sorry for you. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day. Happy POW!

  4. EEEWWWW! That is the worst. At least it was at nap time and not in the middle of the night! Happy POW

  5. Yikes! I went through that recently as well, and D also kept her diaper on, the poop just miraculously missed it. And D had not only been rolling around in her poop, she was walking in it (it was on the bottom of her feet) and fingerpainting in it! When I came into her room, she was clapping her poop-covered hands together! So gross!

  6. Poor you.

    I hate the poop. But coming from two sources thats just not fair.

    Good for you for maintaining your sense of humour and sanity.

  7. well you are one tough cookie. I would have freaked out with all that poop in one day.

  8. Oh you poor thing, that's awful! You're right, I'm sure it did stink!

  9. eww. explosive poops. Another joy of motherhood!

    At least photos dont smell! lucky for the rest of us!

  10. Sounds like you had a crappy day! Madi only had that happen once so far. But, my dog is another story. I've have my share of days like that too.

  11. had my share (typo) sorry

  12. really should have given a warning disclaimer at the beginning that there were graphic photos for those of the faint of

    Girl I feel your pain, been there done that. Pottytraining was a ton of!

  13. Yuck!!! We have had those days too! Happy POW!

  14. Oh yeah that did stink. I hate days like that. We had a blow out diaper this week which I didn't discover until pulling the clothes off. I had laid the baby on my bed to change him and my comforter had poo all over it. So I threw him in the tub (was going to anyways as we had just gotten him from the pool and needed the chlorine off) and cleaned him up and then stripped the bed. Now the comforter is like new again. I'm just thankful that we have a working washer/dryer. It was only about 8 years ago that I would have had to do this at the laundry mat. And let me tell you dragging three kids and the dirty laundry there would not be fun.

  15. When it rains, it pours! I'm so glad the messy, leaky, wet poop days are over in our house for now. Though I'm still on wiping duty.

  16. Oh, I am so sorry that she ended up with some poo in her hair (well and, everywhere!). Thankfully this stuff doesn't happen too oftern. Otherwise I might have to trade in my Mommy card! ; )

  17. Oh, you poor thing!!!! What a mess! You handled it very well, though. I don't do well with poop messes!

  18. I have been there.

    I have been there.

    I. have. been. there.

    And, boy-oh-boy it is the WORST.

    You have a great spirit, Crystal. You handled it SO well. When it happened to me, I freaked. I mean, FREAKED.

    (And, this post made me LOL!)

  19. As I was scrolling down to read more, the picture of your baby girl caught my eye and, before reading any further, I thought, "That is SUCH a great picture - I love the angle and her eyes are so bright and expressive!"...and then after reading more I realized the purpose was to capture the poop in her hair... wow. that's really bad. oh, poor baby! and oh, poor baby's mom!

  20. Oh poor you! I have been there, done that!

    i'm sure it'll be funnier in a year.

  21. Ike...I missed this one ...what an awful thing to take pix of! Your a die hard fer sure! LOL!

  22. Oh I remember when this kind of stuff happened at our house. I feel for you.

  23. YUCK!!! I have been there and it was not a picnic,,,
    Who knew little ones could stink so much....
    You did GREAT! Gotta love it !!! :-)


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