The 80s Cabbage Patch Doll

IMG_6527 My 2 year old has recently taken quite an interest in my old cabbage patch dolls.  I gotta say it warms my heart to see her carrying around my old dolls, tucking them in with their blankets, putting a pillow under their heads.  It's quite cute to watch.

The other day when she handed "baby doll" to me because she was "sick"  I took a good look at my old doll.  I remember her well.  Her name was Tamara Jill and I affectionately called her TJ for short.  She was a corn silk cabbage patch doll.  I remember the silky smooth hair being quite the upgrade from the yarn hair of my other doll.

IMG_6516 But when I looked at her more closely this week, I had to chuckle.  Tell me this doll wasn't from the 1980s.  Note the big, puffy curled bangs with the straight hair behind.  Now let's take a look at her outfit.  We have a red and white striped shirt with black polka dots on top, fashionably layered with another red and white striped shirt with speckled paint over top, topped with the red and black plaid jumper and red leggings.  What you don't see in the picture is the plastic white high tops that I found later with the other dolls clothes.  This outfit was the original outfit.  I remember I never changed her clothes because she was my "cool doll" and I didn't want to mess up a thing.  When I looked at her I knew she had to be posted on my next Fro' Me to You post because she looks exactly like the pictures I see each Thursday of real people back in the 80s... just missing the blue eye shadow!



  1. Definitely a doll of the '80s! I never had a Cabbage Patch Doll back then, but my daughter had one when they made a return a few years ago.

    We have a doll theme in common this week. Come look when you get a chance. :)

  2. That's awesome and I knew girls from school who had that same outfit the doll's wearing! My oldest fell in love with my Cabbage Patch too and loves that they 'came back'!

  3. Cabbage patch dolls are as 80s as Michael Jackson doing the Moon Walk! :) I loved mine. Great that you kept yours.

    My Fro post is you might be a redneck if...

  4. Girl, don't think for a second that your little can't fix that missing eye shadow problem!

    My daughter has had a cabbage patch doll for a few years now and my son absolutely hates the thing.

  5. She IS pretty cool. Mine had the yarn hair. She was a cowgirl named Roberta! She came with cowboy boots, a hat, plaid shirt, jeans, a vest, a sheriff badge and a blue horse. Very western and all.

  6. I had a cabbage patch just like your except she had red hair. Her name was Janice Elvira (as in "My Heart's On Fire")! I need to call my mom and ask her is she still has that doll. My girls would love it!

  7. I had a friend who drug her Cabbage Patch everywhere we went. I was so embarrassed!!!

  8. I remember cabage patch!! I never had a CD doll because I was still so hooked on Barbie - she was my best friend.

    The pics of your daughter with your dolls is wonderful.


  9. I had a little bald headed black boy named Judd Valentine!! I loved him SO much!!

  10. Oh my! Madi just started strolling mine around three days ago! I'll have to email ya a pic.

  11. my beloved CP doll was a boy named Eldin Dougie. i know. what were they thinking? eldin didn't survive, but the girl counterpart (that i think was becky's) sits in a cradle in mia's room. she has chosen the "come-back" CP doll instead. poor girl!

  12. Awww! I loved my CP dolls! How cool is that your daughter gets to play with them too! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Cute. My girls loved the cabbage patch dolls and they are back! I bought a couple for my twin granddaughters a couple of years ago. :)

  14. Oh Cabbage patch dolls! I remember those and before that it was the original Adoption dolls made by little old ladies. I had one of those also, still do somewhere. :)

  15. I am too old to have had a Cabbage Patch Doll. However, as a mom, those things scared the heck out of me! LOL

  16. This is such a flashback...the Cabbage Patch Doll ANNNNNDDDD the '80's clothing! ;)

    What a great 'Fro post!


  17. awww, Cabbage Patch Kids. What memories!!

  18. OMG my cornsilk kid had that exact same outfit except in blue - complete with the high top sneakers! I can't remember what her original name was, but I called her Natasha Leah Clare (all my CPKs had 3 names). Her hair was a bit lighter though, and she didn't have the uber bangs, just a few curls.


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