Star Struck


IMG_7023 My hubby and I are huge Pittsburgh Steelers fans.  I was born a Steelers fan.  My husband's allegiance was born in college when he began faithfully watching the home team in Western, PA.  There's no way to distinguish who is more devoted now, we are both hard core.   Living in Ravens territory is tough.  We watch every game televised here, head to Glory Days for big games that aren't televised, make a few treks to my parents house in PA, read the play by plays online, listen on the radio.... whatever we can to follow our team.  We've even had my parents record games and mail them to us to watch mid week. 

This year we went camping with my parents in Latrobe, Pa so we could attend Steelers Training Camp at St Vincents College.  

While I am sure the kids would have been just as excited to watch a high school game, Scott and I were both completely star struck. 


"Look, right there, that's Ben"

"He just threw it to Santonio Holmes."


"Son, that guy right there holds the record for the longest run in Super Bowl history!"


"Look, it's Heinz, there goes Heinz!"


"I found Polamalu... he's sitting in the back there."

"Holmes waved at me... I got a wave!"

We sounded like little kids as we stood on the field a mere 10 feet from IMG_6950Super Bowl superstars.   We kept poking each other and snapping pictures and smiling and cheering.  It's our second time going and we both are eager to return again. It was worth the long drive, the car sick baby, the traffic...  It was awesome to see players that we see on TV up close and personal.   It was fun to watch them joking around on the field with each other, to see them run drills, even watching them ride by in golf carts was a thrill (both Heinz Ward and Troy Polamalu rode right in front of us, literally 5 feet a way).  See what I mean by star struck? 

I know they are just people.  I know some of you may have no idea who any of these players are.  You might be rolling your eyes at my obsession asking why I care about a bunch of guys who get paid millions of dollars to throw a football and tackle each other.  To me it is more than a game.  IMG_7038 It's a bond I've had with my Dad for as long as I can remember.  It's a weekly date night with my hubby as we snuggle on the couch and watch the team play.  It's something to talk about that doesn't involve planning, house work, the kids... something entirely different.  And it is fun... really fun to watch them throw the Hail Mary pass down the field, to see them knock the ball right out of the guys hands, to watch them run it down the field for a touch down.

We're ready for some football!! 


  1. It looks like you guys had a great time!

  2. What a great thing to do as a couple. He's lucky to have a woman that really likes football!

  3. Those are some GREAT pictures!! Wish I could have gone with you guys--maybe next year. I might take Izaak before school starts. (Did Joc tell you that he asked for a baby doll for his b-day? He named it "Baby Roethlisburger"! Haha!)

  4. I love the Steelers! I'm sure it was so cool to be there!

  5. man! what an awesome day! i'm so glad it worked out for you guys to be there, and take LOTS of pictures, and that you had beautiful weather. i love you guys!

  6. HOW FUN!!

    Jason and I are SO ready for football season. Only, we're Ravens fans...though, I'm sure you understand why! :)

    We love college football, too. I grew up in WV, so we're big Mountaineer fans, too. LOOOOOVE me some football. Can't wait! :)

  7. I like the NFL too, oddly DH can take it or leave it. I kinda miss those college days I spent watching the games at some sports bar every Sunday though.

  8. Such a great time it was!! What super pictures. It was amazing to be that close to SuperBowl stars. We will have to do it again!!!

  9. Is it my imagination or do the Steelers jerseys look like....I dunno...the color of poo?!?! (I'm sorry I can't get those images from THAT recent post outta my head!) :)

  10. Ok...Ok! I've been waiting for you guys to do a Steelers post (oh! how LONG would that take?! :) )....
    You guys would LOVE Albuquerque if for nothing else that it has the world's largest population of Steelers fans outside of Pennsylvania!
    I'm not joking!
    I see more Steelers bumper stickers, decals, license plate borders, jerseys, caps...bobble heads...I'll bet there are Steelers insignia on kids diapers's just that...oh never mind....
    We saw an entire family out at breakfast - all wearing Steelers jerseys. Even the infant. I told them they were in a cult. No seriously I asked them why do I see Steelers paraphernalia everywhere.
    Judi's looking over my shoulder and she reminded me of another Steelers family we met who told us there's a BAR here that host Steelers parties whenever they play.
    Could it be the high altitude here and the heat? :)

  11. That's so great that you guys can do that together! And you both enjoy it so much. Great pics!

  12. My husband and I are huge college football fans but we never felt connected to a professional team until last year. My husband had to have a brain tumor removed by a specialist in Pittsburgh. While we were there, we fell in love with the city. Our hotel was right beside the baseball stadium and the Steelers stadium. We ate at Jerome Bettis' restaurant twice by the water. My husband made the comment that this would be the best trip ever except for having brain surgery! With all of that said, we are now big Steelers fans here in Alabama.
    Thanks for sharing this. It makes me want to go back up there!

  13. Isn't it cool when you feel like you are 'part' of the team. Great photos, everyone looks to be having a great time. Happy POW.

  14. Looks like fun! Happy POW!

  15. We never grow up do we? I'd totally be just as giddy as you are/were.

  16. Okay, I admit I have no clue who any of these people are. I am totally not a football fan. My game of choice is baseball. To be more specific New York Mets baseball. I am obsessed. I have painted my sons DOC Band like a Mets helmet. If I ever got a chance to go to their spring training or anything and got to see them up close and personal I would totally be doing exactly what you did with your football greats ;).


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