Keep it Real- Check out My Wheels


 Jessica has a fun carnival where she helps keep us bloggers real.  The deal is you gotta take pictures of the assignment as is, no tweaking for the cameras.  This week she wanted to see "how we roll"  as in what our vehicle looks like.

The funny thing about this is that when I saw the assignment I thought to myself, "how lucky for me I just cleaned the van out last week when we got back from camping."  Ha-ha funny thing is I forgot how much junk a van can accumulate in a week and a half! 

So, take a look inside my minivan.  I took these pictures today as we were heading out for some errands.  Meant to take them earlier this week so I could post this early today, but that's real life for ya...


We've got a 12 pack of diet coke for my hubby that I failed to bring in yesterday when I went shopping...also have baby doll, diaper bag and assorted books and toys to entertain the little ones.


You can see we put the oldest two in the back seats (here they are entertaining themselves with a Steelers car flag and my son is racing a match box car on his wooden gun)  We leave the other middle seat out of the van b/c it makes it much easier to get the kids in and out of their car seats.


And on the other side of the van we have the baby (see her sad little skinned knee)  Note the happy meal box (can't throw it away b/c it has Star Wards on it) and I believe we have some spare clothes lying down there.

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Moving to the front seat... I was getting ready to take a meal to someone from my MOPS group and also had a lunch packed for the kids to eat at a play date this morning (see them sitting on the passenger seat)?  On the floor we have a lighter (b/c we went to a cookout the other night) the Sunday paper, a map, some books, MOPS fliers for me to drop off at the library and a roll of paper towels (this was very handy last week when my baby got car sick)


And my trunk needs to be emptied out before our weekend away tomorrow.  I have some paper products to return to church from our MOPS cookout on Sunday and several huge bags of clothes that my friend passed down for me to use for the girls (I am SO excited about this, we should be set for awhile now)! 


Last but not least, the back side... I told you I was a serious Chick-Fil-A fan... how many moms do you know with an Eat More Chicken sticker on the back of their minivan?  Yea, I am hard core!

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And finally my friends and family will be happy to note that I got around to adding the last fish to our minivan.  About two weeks before my baby girl was born I went out to get "Jesus Fish" for the back of the van.  I thought it would be cute to get one for each member of the family.  Well, I didn't want to put the baby's on till after she was born, then after she was born I was a bit busy what with nursing and changing diapers and chasing around the toddlers.  Then I misplaced the fish.  Then I had to actually wash the van (which I gave up on and instead my husband cleaned the back side a few weeks ago when he gave his car the once every 3 year wash) (I kid not)!  After many, many jokes from friends, "So, which two kids do you love?"  "What's the baby have to do to get a fish?" and several inquiries from my MIL... today, as I was preparing my real life post, I finally added the last fish.


So, those are my wheels.  Not as clean and organized as I'd like, but very, very real.


  1. lmao love the story about the fish! :) Great pics!

  2. Oh holy cow (wink, wink), how we love our Chic Fil A, too! Glad you explained the first thought was that you were an Einstein theory of relativity fan or something! ;)

  3. So glad to see you finally admit that you love all three of our grandkiddos.
    8-D))) LOL

  4. Boy, you really are keeping it real! I love the fish story, too. I want to get some of those family stick people stickers for our van....but it's WAY DOWN on the bottom of my to do list and at the rate I'm going we'll never have them!

  5. I am also in MOPS. This year I am publicity. Which reminds me that I need to finish the newletter for our first meeting on the 4th. Should be an awesome year.
    The inside of my car looks similar to your van. I just go for the close up pics to avoid revealing the worst of the mess.

  6. EMC- lol. That is quite hard core. A few women talked about MOPS I have to go look it up...

  7. Look at all you do w/ a broken toe! Amazing.

    I love how your kids are in the van when you took the pics. And bless you for taking meals to moms. Loved that! We need a MOPS blogring.

  8. Now how in the world did you get in my car?!?!

    LOL~ thanks for not being "fake" all!

  9. wow. your car is even well documented. i probably would have stopped at the first picture! i love you guys. :) feel free to laugh at my car when we have kids!

  10. Oh my, you are busy!! you poor thing . . love the fish idea!!

  11. Oh yes, the mini-van can hold soooooo much stuff. I haven't cleaned mine in ages (fortunately I am a little ocd about clutter), there are stains EVERYWHERE!

  12. Love the sticker! :)

    I think I should follow your lead and keep some kind paper towels in the's good to be prepared for motion sickness! (You are so smart!)

  13. I am seriously amazed at what you can fit in a minivan.

    Now I want my car to die so I can justify buying one.

  14. I forgot to do my post this week. I guess I was a little busy getting ready for the all important back to school day. Isn't it amazing how quickly the van can get cluttered up? I recently cleaned out mine too, but despite my constant reminders of the toys need to be placed back into their box before you get out of the car it never happens. I guess I can't say too much though because the front of the car (my domain) isn't too much better with my paper clutter.

  15. LOL! My car is always full of junk, too. My husband gets a little annoyed but he's not carting around 3 kids who need that junk! I just bought a basket for the back seat which helps a bit. I need one for the front seat. But the funny thing about baskets - you forget what you have in them!

  16. That looks strikingly similar to my Jeep, my Volvo (which I just handed down to my daughter) and our Subaru.


    It gets cleaned out one week and the next it's back to looking like a Mattel/Playschool bomb hit it!

  17. This looks somewhat familiar except no baby dolls for us since it's just boys! We have that exact same car seat for baby!

  18. THANK YOU! I am totally sending Hubby by to take a look. He'll appreciate me more.

    I've always been a neat freak in the car until one child became three...He can't believe that there are actually crumbs on the floor in the back seat!

    I think it's just because the dog never rides with us - HA, HA!!

  19. Fun Pictures. Good to know I'm not the only one whose car looks like that.

  20. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! You did it!!!! You put that silly fish on!!!! I'm gonna hug ya!!!!!!

    Hooray!! She has her fish!

    Love ya girl!

  21. [...] fodder. Sharing those moments with the blogging world, somehow makes them not so bad. I aim to keep it real as I strive to bring glory to God each day of my [...]


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