My longest 15 minutes

4 years ago today my sister in law got married. My son was exactly one month old. I went dress shopping so I could find something to hide the 50 pounds of baby fat I gained. Hard to find a dress flattering enough to do that, but somehow I managed to find one that I was happy with.

Until I got to the church.

I was a new mom and new at the whole nursing thing. I never thought about the difficulties of nursing with a dress on until we pulled into the church parking lot and I said, "Ok, I'll go feed the baby..." It was then that I realized a skirt and top would have been a better choice.

Since I had no other clothes with me and my husband was an usher and thus had to go and get ready, I was in a real bind. I couldn't leave and go back to the hotel (not enough time) so I had to find a place to discreetly sit with my dress off and nurse the baby. Hmmm, how many places like that are there in the world? The church was not very big and I couldn't find any small classrooms or offices to hide in. I am sure their were bathrooms and looking back now I should have just sat in a stall on the toilet, but that idea never entered my mind. Instead we went down to the basement where we found a big multipurpose room, with a kitchen in one corner and what looked like a nursery area in the other. The only place with walls was the kitchen so my husband pulled a rocking chair in. My husband had to leave me for his usher duties. I remember there was a door to the outside that led into the kitchen as well as a door from the big open room in the basement. Neither locked. I had to sit on the rocking chair with my dress off and nurse my baby - EXPOSED - in the middle of what felt like an enormous room praying that no one would come into the kitchen. I was alone. Being new at the whole nursing thing, it took FOREVER and since I was sitting their half naked, it felt like forever and a half. I don't recall ever feeling as vulnerable as I did that afternoon. After about 15 minutes I heard footsteps. TERROR - "Don't come in!". Thankfully it was my mom who lovingly stood guard while I finished nursing my son.

Happy Anniversary Sis! I am sure that is one anecdote we won't find in your wedding scrapbook!! (For more stories and pictures that will never see the inside of a scrapbook, check out We Are THAT Family )


  1. oh man... the joy and terror of nursing. haha! thanks for sharing it with us.

  2. Oh, my! I can imagine your pain. I remember vividly that new mom nursing feeling. It's so tough and to be in a wedding! You're a good sister!

    Thanks for participating. I love that picture!

  3. I had to find a dress for a funeral for my husbands grandma when my first was only 6 weeks old, I was nursing and it was a mess! But you look nice, really for 4 weeks, you do!

  4. I had my milk let down at an even about 3 weeks post baby in a soft lavendar solid color.... lets just say I would have been better off without my clothes on! Glad you didn't expose yourself to anyone at the church LOL.
    Congrats to your sister.

  5. Oh you poor thing. I feel your pain! Love the photo!

  6. though i didn't know anything at the time, i felt so bad when you told me about it! could you imagine if you were IN the wedding, as originally planned? thanks for enduring the day for us. :) i'm so glad that you, Scott and the little man could be there. and thanks for the anniversary shout-out!

  7. You look great! I am breastfeeding my 6th baby and was laughing with a friend just last night over funny nursing stories. I have several! Thanks for sharing.

  8. How well I remember that panic in your voice. How far you have come in nursing 3 babies!!!!

  9. Ahh....I'll wait to comment on another post :)

    Judi & I just thought (besides YOUR's & SCOTT'S wedding day) that weekend was one of the loveliest weekends we'd spent in a LONG time. There were wildflowers blooming outta control around the lodge. Jim had theme music everywhere he went. Susan got a new laptop. Glenn recited his epic poem on the porch. Scott & newborn baby were making faces. And I wanted so bad to see the bride bowl a few frames across the street. Oh! that would've been a photo for the album! :)

  10. I had a similar moment at my brother's wedding when Ella was 8 months old. I didn't want to give her a bottle since I figured I'd save them for during the reception and other times when I was busy - so I decided to nurse her right before I had to go up and get pictures and stuff. Matt and I were both IN the wedding. Luckily it was a two piece dress but I still had to take the top off and I wore Matt's tux coat so I was relatively covered- but I still felt so completely exposed. Ella was older so it didn't take that long - only FELT like an enternity! The things we do for our babies! :)

  11. Oh I remember those days well....too well.

  12. Oh my goodness! I'm glad it all worked out for you!

  13. OMGosh! That would be the longest 15 minutes of my life too! You rock for making it work though ~ I would've caved and made a bottle LOL.

  14. Wow! You are really, really brave.
    I'm so glad it was only your mom. I was afraid an entire catering crew was going to walk in on you!

  15. Completely understand!
    I did my student teaching while I was nursing out oldest daughter. I nursed her in the morning and was at the school sitting in class, observing my mentor teacher teaching when I realized that I hadn't put my bra back on. I made a quick exit.

  16. Oh, I remember those days. The joys and CHALLENGES of nursing! Thanks for sharing your funny story.

  17. One of my biggest regrets was not attending my sister's wedding because I had a three week old (and a 17 month old). I'm not sure how I could have traveled as my husband wouldn't have been able to take off work then (busy season). But I do regret it. The ONLY positive was not h aving to find something to wear.

  18. I remember those days. Someday, people will start considering nursing moms more, from fashion to a Private Place to feed our little ones...and NOT the bathroom!

  19. That must have been horrible at the time, but it makes a GREAT story now!

  20. What a great wedding memory! I had flashbacks of holding my extra large baby in bathroom stalls, sweating like a pig, waiting for him to finish nursing.

  21. Oh my goodness, bless your heart!! I can only imagine the terror you felt. It makes me cringe thinking about it.

  22. hahahahaha...that is hysterical :)


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