Missing One VERY Important Item

Last weekend my husband picked my daughter up and noticed she was incredibly wet. He commented that someone must have put her diaper on wrong (Since I was the grownup home at last diaper change, the blame obviously fell to me). I muttered something about those stupid diapers not absorbing properly.

Check out her look of disappointment. (MOM, you let me down)!

My husband called me in to check out what went wrong with the diaper...

It was then that I remembered the two older kids fighting and one screaming bloody murder while I was changing the diaper. I grabbed the baby and ran to check on the situation. Guess I neglected to finish... the odd thing is I did go back and button all 12 buttons on her pants, never noticing the fact that the diaper wasn't on.

So, this one wasn't exactly Wordless but it does verify that, generally speaking, diapers Work for Me. Not that it was intentional but if you were contemplating potty training at 9 months - that didn't work work for me. Truth is my 27 month old daughter is old enough to potty train but we are being lax because its just easier that way. Slapping a diaper on gives you timing flexibility (just remember to slap the diaper on).


  1. Oh no! That is totally something I would do!
    Happy WW

  2. LOL! I have to laugh because I almost did the same thing this week!

  3. HAHA! So funny! My husband told me this week that diapers are too expensive, we should just skip them. What are we going to do? Hold the baby over the toilet or something? Crazy, crazy man.

  4. OMG - that's the funniest thing I heard (seen) all week. Makes me feel much better about my recent memory loss issues.

  5. oh my goodness! i'm glad that's been documented! of course, she may not appreciate it someday.... i'm glad to know you're human, crystal. you're definitely up there as super-mom in my books (even still!)

  6. I am always afraid of doing that! :)

  7. This is truly too funny. Love you all.

  8. Hilarious...oh, the joys of motherhood!

  9. That just happened to us too, it's funny how you can forget something so important!

  10. Oh - too funny! I'm so glad I'm not the only one that has moments like that lol. :)

  11. Oh my Gosh, that is classic.
    AND you will never live that down.

  12. Thanks for making me laugh during a frustration-filled day! :)

  13. Ha! I love it! Poor baby! This one has got to be in the slideshow for her first!

    Love ya,

  14. I'm reading this months (almost years!) later, but I just had to let you know what a wonderful laugh you just gave me. Thank you so much for sharing! It's been a stressful day and you just improved it immeasurably. Thanks again!


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