Whose Side Are You On?


I’ve already confessed quite a few of my fashion fashion fo paws for you here on the good ol blog.  Why not add another to the list?  (I’m really just secretly hoping that Stacy and Clinton will come whisk me away and give me a brand new ward robe to enjoy with my post baby body… ah, wouldn’t that be nice)…

But, back to reality…

I am afraid that perhaps I know where my daughter got her bold fashion sense from.

Tonight after baseball practice my husband lovingly said to me, “Honey, I really don’t like those pants.”  “I know,”  I replied, “But, I don’t have a lot of options these days…”  “but honey, you wore them in public.”  “Yea.”  “But they are really, um… loud.”  (here is where visions of 80 year old Crystal walking around with purple hair and a bright orange hat pop into my head)  I laughed it off and told him not to worry, with only a week left in my pregnancy I doubt I’ll wear them again.

I then said, “Hey, you should take a picture so I can put it on my blog…we can see if people think they are as bad as you say.” 

To which he said, “No… please don’t put a picture on your blog… really you don’t want people seeing them… they remind me of those jams from the 80s.”

And with that I knew… I had no choice but to post it on the blog. IMG_8445

So, tell me, honestly… what do you think?   I can take it, so don’t feel like you have to be polite.  I know they are bright, but I think they are fun.  I will concede they are a bit tight these days and probably looked better about 4 weeks ago.

You can totally side with my hubby and you won’t hurt my feelings a bit… like I said, I am fairly certain I won’t be wearing them again.   IMG_8446

By the way, these pants were handed down to me from someone, somewhere over the years and I can’t remember who.  If it was you, please know that I personally am not criticizing the pants… after all, I have worn them of my own choosing, more than once, despite my husband’s objections. 


  1. LOL, I think I had a dress with that print!!!!!

  2. They're great for going to the circus. :0) Or a 70's Disco night. I know budgets are tight and I don't even have another child on the way, but Crystal, the pants are great for lounging in at home. If they embarrass you're husband, who you love and adore, then I think you know what you need to do. :0) Love you, girl. Thanks for putting yourself out there and open to "advice." ;0)

  3. I'm still giggling...they are definitely unique! I also love the look on your face in the picture - totally trying not to laugh :)

  4. I think the cute little beads hanging from the bottom totally make the pants! I don't think I would wear them out in public myself but if for some warped reason that I did...I would definitely top them off with a bright green shirt and a sombrero and clickity clogs!

  5. Oh and Jay says, "those arn't bad at least she's not waering skin tight hot pants". lol

  6. I don't think the pants are bad, but I would wear them with a white top to make them more summery. Perhaps then they wouldn't seem as loud--the white will mute the bright colors a bit.

    But as Jen said, if your hubby has asked you not to wear them, you must oblige out of love. :)

  7. NEVER wear pants with a print you should take a look at the view from behind.

  8. I think you are just ahead of your time... the 80's are totally making a come back : )

  9. I'd say they'd look totally slamming with that American Indian t-shirt of Scott's you wear while prego!

    Alright, gotta go...I'm off to call Stacy and Clinton....

  10. they do say trends come back around every 20 yrs or so...so they could be making a 'come back'. other than that if I were to wear them ("if")...then like your friend said I'd top them with a lime green shirt, matching clogs...and if you're going to make a statement..then make it..and make it LOUD! I love you more than the pants.....but since pregnancy was just around the corner for me..i totally feel your pain in that it doesn't even matter as long as it fits! if i was home all day, then all i was wearing was pajamas..and i also wore them out....it's a blessing many days when our husbands are honest with us :) can't wait to hear about your precious new arrival!

  11. I think they look like pajamas! Even with the beads at the bottom! Seriously! My husband would say the exact (let me repeat it) EXACT same thing your husband did!

  12. I was thinking the jams from the 80's comment before I read it, lol. I was into Jams back then! I'd wear those pants- just pull one color from the pattern and wear a solid top. (the blue, green or purple from the pant). Look at Lilly Pulitzer's RIDICULOUS patterns that people wear today- your pants are better than some of those!!!! Maybe your hubby would like to see you in pants with huge pink elephants or flamingos all over them???

  13. i love that some of your friends went the "submit to your husband" route. so kind. i'm going to go the "fashion intervention" route. as in, i STILL think they look like pajamas and should only be warn as such. :) so i'm on Stacy, Clinton and Scott's team. do we need to do some shopping next week???

  14. lol at stella g's comment.

    I gotta side with Scott on that one. Although, as I read the first paragraph, I expected worse. Not bad for around the house....maybe.

  15. I agree with Kelly. I think they would not be so bad if you had a white shirt. However, I am a really bad maternity dresser and don't usually care much what people think because I can never find anything I like myself. I certainly don't expect others to like it. Also, I am the last person to ask about fashion....so as they say "consider the source and move on." :)

  16. I think they do look like cute jammies but not so much for outside the house. Of course if your husband doesn't care too much for them then I can only assume he would be more than happy to take you out shopping for new stuff! I bet you could find some really cute transitional (from pregnancy, post pregnancy to normal) clothes at a consignment shop. There are so many fun finds at those stores!
    Kudos for you just putting yourself out there! You are a brave soul! :P

  17. Hey I saw a girl wearing those pants the other day. LOL I had to wear cloths 2 sizes too big because you had nothing
    else they look OK but ese 1 of Scott`s white tshirt or a bigger one NOT to long now

  18. Oh Crystal, I am not one to judge a maternity wardrobe. After my first pregnancy, Mike threatened to burn the purple sweatshirt I wore every day (apparently, I didn't realize it was quite that often), and my sister, the fashion designer, pre-empted my attempts last time by bringing down a closet full of shirts/tunic things that didn't scream "she gave up her self-respect". I think your pants are cute, but then, if I channeled my sister, I probably wouldn't have the nerve to wear them out of the house : ) Then again, she's never been 9 months pregnant!

  19. I have to add my voice. I think they are a bit "loud" but if you like them I say wear them!! Clothes aren't about everyone else they are about you!

  20. I actually like them -- especially the beads at the bottom! I like that you're so open to fashion advice. I also like that you have fun and are willing to take risks with your clothes. I agree with the advice to wear them with a white top. Grab a chunky green bracelet to match & some cute sandals and ROCK THOSE PANTS! :)


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