The Bully Years

I love pictures.   I’ll often find myself just staring at the screen saver on our laptop as the pictures scroll by.   These two blasts from the pasts crack me up every time they pop onto the screen.  They were taken on two totally different occasions, thought it appears my son was approximately the same age in both.  It also appears that his red striped shirt was his bully apparel.  Does he not look like the kid who would steal your lunch on the playground? 

2005 scrapbook191

He was one scary 18 month old, huh?You Suck

Visit here or here for more picture fun.


  1. Yep, Crackin up over here. Great shots. I think that shirt has magic powers. Drop by and link up!

  2. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Your boys are so cute. I am in love with pictures too! I love looking back at the past : )

  3. It's almost believable that he would fight me! Almost. But then, he's just so cute, too!

  4. i love that kid. even on his grumpy days. :)

  5. He looke fierce, but I bet if you tickled him he would smile!

  6. Not his usual photo shots - but look tough :-)

  7. I too have a great love of pictures and I love going back through our photos looking at all the photos.
    You chose some great shots, so cute. :)

  8. ha, ha. he's got a tough looking face...

  9. He does have a menacing look. Probably the red color.

    On a side note, I need to apologize. For the life of me, I can't find the email you sent with your address for the Kaskey Kids baseball guys set. I'd like to get that info to the PR firm for you if possible. Thanks so much and have a great day!

  10. I'm glad in this case that looks can be deceiving! I can't imagine there's even a wee bit of bully in that boy of yours!

  11. No way, I think that might be the only "mean" pictures he took. I remember him being such a great toddler!

  12. ha! well, kind of. But every toddler has a little bully in them! I think your little man is handsome!

  13. LOOK At that look! SO serious...My 2 yr old does the same thing

    did ya enter my train toy box giveaway yet? Your little guy would luv it

  14. OH it unusual to see him this way . He is cute any way.


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