A Date Which Will Live in Circus Infamy


May 3, 2010

Write it down folks.  Circle it on your calendar. 

I’ve dreamed of this day for months.  I’ve gotten so close only to be thwarted.

But, folks… it finally happened.

The circus family is caught up on laundry.

I know, I never thought it would happen either.   Friday afternoon I washed my Christmas table cloth.  This evening, I dry cleaned our sweaters with one of those handy Woolite Dry Cleaning sheets.  

In fact, except for that dry clean load, I was caught up on Friday afternoon and this evening I just washed the clothes we wore this weekend.    That’s right… the only clothes that are dirty at the circus abode right now are the pjs we are currently wearing. 

In fact, we uncovered a problem that I’ve never encountered here before.  Since all of our clothes are clean, I actually ran out of hangers.  I have clean clothes folded and ready to go in the closet, after I go buy more hangers tomorrow.  I also have bulging dresser drawers… which tells me that this week I need to go through our clothes and bag up the winter clothes.

What will I do with this new found state of being?

Well, I have a plan.  I’ve been conjuring it up for months and I think it is fool proof.  I have a laundry basket sitting in the hallway outside of our bedroom doors and each evening we will throw our dirty clothes into it.  And each morning I will wash that load.   With 5, soon to be 6, people dirtying clothes, we actually make a load of clothes a day with my small washing machine.

Meaning, the circus will stay on top of the laundry.

Stop laughing, I really think this is possible. 

No, I mean it, it is not nice to laugh at an 8 month pregnant momma. 

I figure every night before I go to bed, I run the dishwasher, then I unload and put away the dishes the next morning.  Why can’t I run the laundry every morning and fold the clothes during nap time?  It is totally doable… it just hasn’t been for months because it has taken me literally months to get caught up on the back log.  But, now that I am… I am confident we can boldly go where this circus mom has never gone before. 

Hey, I might even have time to stay on top of the sheets and towels on a weekly basis.   Can you believe it??

I am linking this post up to 5M4M Tackle it Tuesday.


  1. Yay! That is something to celebrate!!

  2. Hey, girl, go for it! (Have you watched the most recent Office episode? You can be like Michael of the laundry prospect ;) )

  3. That is a huge accomplishment!!!

  4. Wahoo!!!!!!! I know the feeling of being behind on laundry and its simply dreadful! I love your plan and have the utmost of faith in you that you can stick to it! I'm cheering you on, girl!

  5. Yay! I'm so impressed! On the FEW occasions that I've managed to catch up on our laundry, I've discovered we don't have enough hangers either. Since I rarely catch up, I've just never bothered to buy more. :)

    I hope your new system works. It sounds like it could really be a workable plan!

  6. Congratulations!! I hate folding laundry! Sounds like you have a good plan!

  7. Awesome! You go girl!! I like the idea of your new system. Maybe have the kids help with bringing the laundry downstairs (depending on the type of basket) or help loading up the washer. Alex likes to help and figure out who the clothes belong to.

  8. Good for you!! I'll attest to the laundry basket system...our three kiddies, or should I say piggies(?), make a load for me every night! Good Luck!!

  9. have you ever heard of Fly Lady? She suggests that. I think her website is www.flylady.net. Just wait until there are 6 of you. I am doing like 2 or 3 a day and I take a day off here and there and then I have like 5 loads for one day!

  10. Seems to me that you might need nap time for your own naps in a little while - other than that - sounds like a good plan!

  11. Good luck! I thing your plan is great. I wish I could figure out one of my own. Two weekends go I finished the laundry for the first time in months only to let it get behind this past weekend. Congratulations on a MAJOR accomplishment!

  12. I always have such good intention when it comes to the laundry. I get caught up and swear that I'll keep it under control, but then once again ends up with mounds!

    By the way, you won the Kaskey Kids baseball figures contest on Brimful Curiosities. Please send me an email with shipping info: pvilletoygirl at gmail dot com

  13. How did you know any of us would laugh?!?!? Really - BIG CONGRATULATIONS on this accomplishment - we know it is a job you have worked on for a long time! Way to GO!!! Best wishes for the new plan - should work since the loads would be smaller and easier to keep up with. It is alot like keeping up with dishes. The kids will be helpful too. Have you thought of how to keep the numerous extra clothes your youngest changes into - out of the basket???

  14. Well congrats, that does feel good, doesn't it? With working full time and having three boys, I have found that if I do a load every night and fold while I watch TV it's just a part of the routine. Good luck staying on top of it!

  15. And if you skip a day, just do 2 the next. I usually do about 2 loads a day, but some days I don't get to it, so I just double up the next day. My kids are responsible for taking the folded clothing up to their rooms and putting it away. I love when they complain, because there is such a simple solution to it. STOP WEARING SO MANY CLOTHES! (and don't put clothes in the hamper that don't belong there!) btw- I find it very suspicious that when I am doing the boy's laundry, I can wash 4 pairs of pants and 4 shirts and only find 1 pair of underwear....

  16. lol, this is such a funny post!

  17. Good job! That reminds me... I have to get a few loads done... Sigh off I go.

  18. WAY to go I know the feeling It will be a good feeling.to keep up with it


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