Raising Our Children to Change the World

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Sometimes in the chaos of finding baseball gloves and missing cleats, in the midst of grocery shopping and read alouds, sometimes if your not careful, it is all too easy to miss the point.    In the midst of doing so many good and important things, you can neglect to focus on the main purpose of it all. 

IOMA Cover recently had a the opportunity to read and review the book One Million Arrows by Julie Ferwerda.  The book is based on the vision of a man named Dr. M.A. Thomas (Papa) whose vision for ministry is based on Psalm 127:4-5, “Children born to a young man, are like sharp arrows in a warrior’s hands.  How happy is the man whose quiver is full of them.”   Papa’s vision is that of “one million arrows for God—one million children gathered, sharpened, and launched to make an eternal difference in their communities, cultures, countries, and even the world at large.”

Julie encourages and challenges her readers to embrace the mission as parents.  She encourages us to raise our children to become arrows for Christ.  She challenges us to keep that vision at the forefront of our mind and as parents to be active and intentional in our parenting.  She says that the responsibility for raising our children to be spiritual champions, lies solely at the feet of the parents.  She also encourages parents to have a goal oriented approach to parenting rather than a survival based approach. 

She speaks with several parents who have successfully raised “arrows for Christ” and shares strategies and tips that worked well for them.

While the first half of the book focuses on raising our own arrows for Christ, the second half of the book talks about how we can support others raising arrows around the world, particularly orphans in other countries.  She encourages us to invest our time, money, and prayers in supporting ministries which focus on raising arrows for Christ in their own countries. 

One point she made that challenged me was when she spoke of the stark contrast between the extreme poverty in other nations and the extreme wealth and abundance in our own nation.  She found herself asking God, “How could he let this happen?”  She then realized that God could ask her the very same question, “How can we let it happen?”  God has blessed us with an abundance and what are we doing with that abundance to help those around the world in need?  I found this to be a challenging and sobering thought. 

If your interested in learning more about the book, you can check here or purchase it from Amazon here

1 comment:

  1. i just wrote a comment in another post about how in America, we ARE blessed with abundance, but we still have people struggling here too.
    This book highly intrigues me. I may have to see if I can get it from a library somewhere around here (church or public--you would be surprised at how many faith-based books I have found at the public library.) .
    But I LOVE LOVE LOVE the thought of raising my children to be His arrows!
    We may have to do a craft and post it somewhere very visible to help us remember it!


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