Giving Thanks for a Wonderful Year


As 2009 came to a close, we spent some time as a family discussing the highlights.  It really was a wonderful year!  I feel so blessed for the many opportunities for family fun that we had in the past year.

IMG_4674 In January Scott and I were able to go to a Steelers  home AFC championship and watch them beat the Ravens and make it to the Super bowl.  Shortly after we hosted a Super bowl party with our family and watched our beloved Steelers bring home a 6th Super bowl victory.  What a way to start the year!

This past spring we took a family vacation to Texas.  We had a wonderful time visiting family and spending time in God’s magnificent creation. IMG_6634

Our son was able to play baseball this spring…a dream come true for him!  We also got to go and see the Baltimore Orioles play twice at Camden Yards.  batter up

IMG_8786Scott and I both turned 30 this year and we celebrated by treating ourselves to a weekend away in Washington DC.  We both enjoyed the time away together.  

We  spent a good deal of time as a family this spring and summer swimming and fishing.  Both were highlights for the kids.


During the summer we welcomed two new nephews into our extended family.   My brother and his wife and Scott’s sister and her husband each had a baby boy this summer.  We were able to visit with them both shortly after they were born and we are delighted to have them in our family!   IMG_0351 IMG_1449

In the fall, we began homeschooling our son using a local tutorial.  This was an answer to prayer, as a year ago, we were not certain what we’d be doing for kindergarten this fall.  It has been a true blessing to our family and a IMG_2002delight for us all as we learn together. 

Our oldest daughter finally got to participate in a sport of her own this fall…gymnastics…it is a perfect fit for her and I can’t begin to describe the joy I get in watching her out on the floor.  My favorite is watching her on the bars!  





My baby girl is hardly a baby as she is learning and growing and absorbing new things like a dry sponge…I have a hard time reminding myself she is only 2.  She  loves to sing and read books and keep up with her older siblings.  We also learned this fall that she won’t be the baby for long!  As we look to the new year the thing we are most anticipating is the arrival of baby number 4 this summer!


As the new year begins, I encourage you to take some time to look back and reflect on the past years blessings.   Too often it is easy to  focus on the urgency of today or the plans of tomorrow.  But, there is much to be gained from looking back as well.  For me as I look back this week, I am filled with immense gratitude.



  1. What a terrific post and a wonderful year!! Looking forward to this new year ahead and all that God will bring our way.

  2. good times! really encouraged by your family and all the happenings! exciting news about #4...we'll be praying for you.

  3. your family is so beautiful.
    i feel so honored following your blog through this year.
    what about the race you finished? don't forget about that.

  4. Nice summary. You have had a year full of fun and blessings. Thanks for taking us along for the ride!

  5. It looks like you all had such a nice was great to have you there to welcome your nephew! :)

    On a totally unrelated note, I think your son is looking more like you as he grows older! :)

  6. What a full year for you all. I love the last picture, I can just see the personality of each child coming through in it! Hope you are enjoying 2010 so far. :-)

  7. i absolutely adore the picture of your family ringing in the new year. it just exudes joy and love and is a true picture of the circus crew. love you!


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