What’s Something You Know About?


My son always has tons of questions about the world around him and the way things work.  Most of the time, I am at a loss as to how to answer these questions.  For example, the other day he wanted to know about signals and how we could see them.  As in, radio signals or cell phone signals.  He wondered if they were like infrared light and could only be seen with special glasses or if we can’t see them at all.  I had no clue and suggested he bring the topic up with his dad b/c, “Daddy knows a lot about signals and things like that.”   I’ll be honest… quite often, I have to suggest he bring his question to Daddy b/c Daddy knows a lot about that subject.  Like how e-mails make it from our computer to Daddy’s work….or infrared light making the remote tell the tv to turn on…and countless other things.

So, I found it particularly endearing the other night when the two of us were driving to catechism and he says, “Mom, what’s something you know about that Daddy doesn’t?”  I had to think a minute b/c to be honest, I think Scott is quite a bit smarter than I am b/c he has spent his life questioning things and finding out how things work and why they work.   But, here was my 5 year old seeking me out, to find out what he could ask me about that I would know the answer to.  It totally warmed my heart. So, I said, “Well, I know a little about cooking and Daddy doesn’t.”   “Tell me about cooking, Mom,”  “What do you know?”  Hmm… how does one answer such an open ended question.  For some reason, I started telling him about cooking things from scratch over using a mix.  I told him with a boxed mix, you typically just add a few ingredients, but when you cook from scratch you have to basically make the mix.  It often takes more work, but typically it tastes better than a mix.  We talked about cookies and brownies and how we don’t make brownies that often.  (I am more a sucker for chocolate chip cookies than brownies).  

2 days later I was looking around the kitchen to make a dessert to take to our friend’s house for dinner.  I found a recipe for mint chocolate brownies on the back of the mint chocolate chip bag.  As the kids and I began to bake them, my son said, “Hey, is this baking from scratch?”  Indeed it was. 

I love that my son wanted to take the time to learn from me and and get to know more about my interests and “expertise.”  And I loved how he recalled that conversation a few days later.    It was one of those bonding moments, that I want to savor. 


  1. This is wonderful, and very encouraging to me as it seems things go in one ear and out the other. And for you a wonderful answer is "I don't know but lets find out." Google is your friend.
    Just about any information you could want is on the internet and pretty easy to find.

  2. How sweet! You taught him so many little valuable lessons in cooking from scratch as opposed to from a box...how putting work into things often yields better results and its usually more cost effective too!

    I would be at a total loss for his questions about signals and infared lights and technology as well! I'm pretty sure I'd have to say I know a little about a whole lotta nothing!

    Unless your intersted in the factory model numbers and paint codes of Toyota's...

  3. I love it when kids ask questions!! And it goes to show how much your son was listening to you!

  4. Imagine how it pleases our Lord when we approach His Word asking, "Tell me something I don't know about you or show me something I've never seen in your Word before."

  5. such a great story, Crystal. this does warm my heart and i'm not even you! i hope you get to do lots of cooking from scratch with your little kiddos!

  6. that is so great! i love it! "what is one thing you know about that daddy doesn't" seriously, that's pretty cute!

  7. I love a man who thinks. Even a little man. 8-)

  8. Love it. So sweet. I'm gonna guess that you know A LOT more about pregnancy and all things related to women....but maybe that's not the type of info you were going for. ;o)

  9. Some day you will hear him tell the girls what you said You will think he really heard me and remembered it


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