Back to Life…Back to Reality…


Vacation was wonderful.

Honestly, it was more of a “staycation” and stay and cation I did.

Scott redid all the plumbing in our house this past week.  He also used his new Christmas gift-a smoker to make us dinner twice.  IMG_4962

I, on the other hand, staycationed.

And as I surveyed the house this morning, boy did it show.

With Scott plumbing all week, I actually had a reasonable excuse for my laundry neglect.  And you know me, all I need is an excuse and I am good to go… IMG_5208hence the GINORMOUS piles of laundry lurking in the hall, the kids room, our closet, the work room, the guest bedroom…

Today, Scott went back to work and so did I.  Cleaning the house, doing laundry, finally getting around to taking down the Christmas decorations…

Note:  If you cut your tree down right after Thanksgiving and then leave it up till after New Years, you will have a canister and a half of needles to vacuum up! 


It was also back to school time. 

And now it’s time for my mom confession.  The tutor sent home a treasure box incentive sheet before vacation.  She does these from time to time.  The kids have a task to complete, such as memorizing their address and phone number, and when they do the parents sign the paper and the child gets a prize from the treasure box.  The latest task was learning to tie your shoes.  A skill my son desperately needs to master and I know that the teacher sent home the slip with him in mind… as she has to tie his shoes for him several times a day.  I had very good intentions of teaching him to tie his shoes over break.  But, one has very little occasion to tie ones shoes when one stays in their pjs most of the day, as we did that last week of vacation.

And so, today, I sent my son to tutorial in his winter boots, even though there isn’t any snow on the ground, b/c I was embarrassed about the fact that I neglected to teach him to tie his shoes over break.

Some homeschooling mom I am, huh?  I’m wondering how long we can get away with the snow boots?

I’ve got a lot of catching up to do this week… while,I made a good dent in it today, I still have a long ways to go before I am done.  Hopefully, I’ll be cIMG_5154aught up by Friday… And hopefully my son will learn to tie his shoes before spring so he can get out of those snow boots!

Here’s a glimpse of the smoked chicken Scott did for us on Sat.  Doesn’t it look fabulous?  It tasted even better than it looked…can’t wait for him to use his Christmas gift again…perhaps my gift to him was just a little self serving?




  1. Oh I am catching up too... we are not starting school again for a weeks still I have too much to make up and still need to get the Christmas decor put away...

  2. I have never taught my kids to tie their shoes (insert gasp). I am a terrible person. Because of this, my second child taught himself to tie the "bunny ear" way, which I have always frowned upon. Can you see a hunky man at the gym tying his shoes with bunny ears?! I don't think so.

  3. Good luck with the shoe tying! Breaking the task up into small steps really helped us. As he mastered each step, I'd add a new one. Then each time he put his shoes on, he'd have to do the steps that he knew. Of course, about the time your little guy masters his new skill, it will be summer and sandal time! :)


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