All About Me


One thing my husband and I try to stress to our kids is that life is not all about them.   We love them dearly, and pour much of our time, love, energy and attention out onto them.   But, because we love them, we also try to teach them that life does not revolve around them.

We are a family of soon to be 6.  So, in a lot of ways this is a lesson that is taught early on out of practicality.  We just can’t meet everyone’s needs all the time right when they think they should be met.  Sometimes you have to wait.  And sometimes you have to go to places and events that you may not want to go to.  But, if you cry and throw a tantrum about either, you will calmly be told, “I am sorry you are disappointed and don’t like this, but life is not all about you.” 

With this in mind, I thought it was so funny the other day when my almost four year old said to me quite out of the blue, “Mom, ya know, I wish life was all about me.”   I wanted to chuckle, b/c like I said it was totally out of the blue… it wasn’t like a few minutes prior we had discussed this.  In fact, I think she was sitting on the potty, truth be told. 

I love her honesty.   Truthfully, don’t we all wish the same thing?  I know even in my roles as wife and mom, selfishness creeps in poisons my attitude and outlook.   I often need to remind myself that life is not about me.

All that being said, she is quite excited about her birthday in a few weeks.  Because birthdays at the circus are a big deal and they are a day when things get to be all about you.  (Within reason of course as my son quickly pointed out the other day, even on your birthday it’s really all about God, not you).


  1. What a great reminder. Looking forward to celebrating "All about Her" when the party day begins :-)

  2. I sometimes wish life was all about me, too! :) cute!

  3. Wow - that is honest! I wish that too sometimes...heck, i wish it right now because I could go to the dinner I was invited to tonight instead of staying home to make dinner for the family....sigh....if it were all about me... :)

    A lifelong lesson indeed!
    Happy TTT!

  4. I heard you use that line at Chik-Fil-A when we met and I made a mental note of it in the "lines to be used on Noah and Caroline soon archives..." It didn't take long for the need to arise.

    And Derek likes to use it on me, truth be told.

    Your lessons extend way out here in PA!

    Can't wait for your little girl to have a day where it's all about her, though!

  5. ha! i love the things she says. can't wait for her party. i'll happily make it all about her!

  6. Ha! With three even closer together, my kids have to learn the same thing. But it's good that some days get to be all about them...we love birthdays for the reason too!

  7. We are like that at birthdays here too. And yeah I know what you mean about the Selfishness its funny how quickly and easily something that is about someone else can flip into about me with out me even noticing.

  8. Ah--you live at my house!! Recently there has been a Spa come to town with the name"All About You"--my Irish Twins have a hayday with this and truthfully it upsets them. My little secret is-I go there to get massages a few times a month -but they have no idea!

  9. We have the same struggles at our house. We definitely all (me included) have our moments when we wish it was "all about us!"

    Your son always has the most insightful things to say! He has a great point! :)


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