Old School E-mail


My oldest two have gotten into the habit of “e-mailing” each other at the beginning of nap time.    And by e-mailing they really mean they are drawing pictures and writing messages back and forth to each other.  We’ve worked out a system in which they are allowed to e-mail for the first 30 minutes of nap time.  Then, they have to have quiet time in separate rooms for the remaining hour and a half.  

I have become a huge fan of the e-mailing time.  It is quite precious as a mom to hear them whisper and slipping messages to each other under their doors.  It is the most peaceful, argument free time of my day.  And sometimes I permit the e-mail time to extend past the designated 30 minute time slot.

These e-mails are not paper less however and quite a lot of drawings and messages are created each week.  I simply can not save them all as we’d be drowning in paper trails. 

But, from time to time I set aside some gems that I simply can’t part with.  Some for sentimental reasons, some because I am impressed with the art work, some because they just make me smile, and serve as momentos of days gone by.

Here are a few recent ones my son drew for his sister.

I loved this one because it was obvious, to me, upon seeing it who he drew.  Can you identify the princess he drew for his sister?

snow white

Then there is Dora’s mom.  This one gave me quite a startle.  It was one of the original e-mails he drew months ago.   I had no idea Dora’s mother was so heavily endowed!

Dora's mom

I know I have mentioned baby Eli here before.  Eli is one of my children’s cousin’s and he is adored here at the circus.  In fact, both girls  have renamed their baby dolls Eli.  And my son has taken on the roll of Eli’s dad. 

Here is a picture my son drew of my daughter when she had baby Eli at the hospital. 

baby eli

On the left side, you’ll notice the doctor and my son holding baby Eli.  Then there is my daughter on the hospital bed in the middle.  And lastly there is my daughter holding baby Eli.

I greatly enjoy seeing the drawings my son makes for his sister.  I never know what he’ll come up with next.

Isn’t it funny they call this e-mailing instead of letter writing?  Sign of the times, I suppose.


  1. That is so funny!!!

    When do you think he'll start drawing you at the hospital??

  2. That is so sweet! What a great way to generate some treasures and love between your kids.

  3. So cute! A great way to entertain themselves quietly together, too. You're right -- great memories!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog for TTT. Your blog is fun. I've been clicking through and laughing at some of your past posts. I can sooo sympathize on the laundry!

    Congrats on your pregnancy!

  4. I LOVE it, plus it makes them look forward to rest time!! The pictures are priceless - and I didn't know Mae West was a Disney princess!?? ha ha This will be a GREAT memory someday ~ ♥

  5. Oh my goodness-Snow White! That is framable for sure! :)

    Thanks for all your encouraging comments. I appreciate them so much. I'm enjoying getting to know you better too! Hope you and the fam have a great weekend!

  6. Too cute!
    My kids too have a baby cousin named Eli!

    BTW, what are "Gilmore Girl type snacks"? I've watched some of the shows, but that isn't clicking w/ me...

  7. The princess is Tomb Raider's Lara Croft right?! :)

  8. ADORABLE! Wow - you still get 2 hours of naptime - that rocks. I only get an hour that they'll last in their room.

    Love the "emailing". What precious keepsakes you scanned in there I scan a lot and then get rid of it. You can't save all that paper - so true!

  9. Those drawings are so cute. The princess one is especially impressive though. I love the styling :)


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