Stick a Fork in Me…


I am done!

Whew!  What a week at the circus!  This was not one of those stay in your pjs all day and relax by the pool kinda weeks. 

Not at all. 

Rather it was one of those, get the kids up, fed, dressed, in shoes (no s1 year old loves being on the sailboatmall feat for the circus crew) and to the soccer field by 9 am every.single.morning.  Hello?  Even during the school year, it was only M-W-F for us.  Then after two hours on the soccer field it was time to walk home, fix lunch, get the kids down for naps so that when they woke up (or I woke them this week) we could get our swim suits on and head to the pool for swim lessons.  After swim lessons, we got all 4 of us dried off, changed, back in the car and home in time to make dinner and get ready for whatever evening activity was on our schedule this week.  And this was one of those weeks where we had something every night, be it CPR class for Mom and Dad, watching Daddy sail in Annapolis, or going sailing on Nana and Pop’s boat. 

IMG_9017It was jam packed.  SO tight in fact, I don’t think you could have fit another thing in there.  And we didn’t… laundry and grocery shopping were completely foregone and we scrounged by with whatever food I could put together from the back of the pantry.  Thank goodness they got tee shirts at soccer camp… that bought us one day’s outfit!  

While I would not want to keep up at this pace all summer, the effort this week was worth it.  The kids had a blast.  They ran hard, laughed lots, made great success in the pool and formed new friendships.  I left the week with 2 new e-mail addresses from mom’s I found close by to meet up with at the park.

No longer sitting on the sidelines, my middle child got to participate in a soccer camp of her own this week.

Daughter kicks soccer ball into goal

This picture right here is a huge deal… HUGE!!


Son put whole body under water - Hooray


5 year old some comes back up from being underwater

Yup, my son went under water.  Last year he sat on the side and cried about putting his feet in.  Now he can go under all by himself.  Worth mooning the entire pool for 6 weeks. 

Not to be outdone, here’s my middle child putting her face in while swimming! 


So, I’d say the stressful mornings and pathetic dinners were worth it.  But I am glad we have a unscheduled week next week to recuperate before Vacation Bible School the following week!



  1. What a busy, crazy week for you!!! LOL, that's how I felt last week at day camp. I'm so glad that my boys didn't want to go this week! It's so tiring! Six hours is just too long!!! It would be different if I went home, but I stayed and helped! That sounds so selfish, huh? :)

    Anyway..we have two VBS's coming up, so we will be doing the same running around again!

  2. I'm thinking I'm going to try for swim lessons in august should be smaller classes with people going on vacation and I'm looking at putting The Girl in soccer this year. to be honest though I'm worried about how much freedom I'd be giving up by doing that. That really selfish of me I know but I am.

  3. I'm so proud of your son for swimming underwater and for your daughter and her soccer-ness! oh, and your youngest for being super-cute in her life-jacket. i'm glad you made it through the week, Crystal. it sounds like it was worth it.

  4. Oh, your daughter looks so cute strutting her moves on the soccer field! LOVE IT~! And your little boy really did come so far with swimming...that's so great! From the looks of it, the Circus kids are having an awesome summer and it's only just begun!

    Have fun catching up on laundry. Ick. I need to do the same and my excuses aren't as good as yours!

  5. I laughed when I read this post because I could have written it about our last three weeks. Today was the last day of swimming lessons and gymnastics. Phew. I can't wait for a do absolutely nothing week next week to recover. I hope you get to have one of those weeks, too! : )

    I love the pic of your daughter in her goggles. That is precious!

  6. Wow...and you STILL found time to add blogging into the mix. Amazing!

  7. Wow!!! What a super busy week! But it looks like you also had loads of fun!


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