Someday, maybe


I’ve been a mom of three for almost two years and I have yet to figure out how to successfully take a good pic of my three kids together.  And yet, I keep trying…call me hopelessly optimistic, stubborn, or just plain slow to learn, but I keep holding out hope that one day I’ll snap that illustrious shot of my circus crew.

Here we have two sideward glances with a smirk and one squinter in the sun.


ok two out of three isn’t bad…


Miss America waves to her adoring fans off camera


Mom, puh-leeze, can we just get back to picking strawberries?


This might be my fav… a look of disgust, a pucker and a closed eye shot.


To see more of my failed photography attempts, click here.

Or click here or here to for more fun with pics!


  1. I have the same some of my favorite pictures are ones where no everyone is looking b/c I can see more of their personalities. I think your kids are so cute!

  2. Cute kids. First time to your blog! Happy WW :O)

  3. There is nothing cuter than a Circus Photo Op! They are such a sweet bunch! I'm loving the Miss America wave! And your baby is getting so big! Goodness...make her stop growing!

    Happy WW!

  4. Hmmm, I'm sure I will be having the same issues fairly soon! They are still good pictures though...

  5. We have the same issues in our house - and I only have two. But getting them both to look at the camera and smile is impossible. :)

  6. Never give up. I am on the quest to capture the perfect shot of our gang of 7!

    Hugs and Mocha,

  7. It's really hard to take great shots when your subject are kids. A camera that can take multiple shots in a second would I guess solve this problem. LOL Happy WW!

    Mine is here -> Mariposa's WW

  8. It is a art that has yet to be mastered. Yours are really good! At least no one is crying:-)

  9. I think the message was accidentally posted twice. Sorry about that. Can you please delete the first comment and this comment? Thanks. :-)

  10. I can't get a good shot of just two kids! For our Christmas card last year, we resorted to putting three different pictures on it: one of each child, then one of my husband and I together. I am hoping that by Christmas this year we can get a decent picture of all four of us (or at least of the girls together)!!

  11. I think the one of "miss America" is to cute! I have this problem with one child, I cant imagine three!

  12. I have been a mom of 3 for more than 4 years and I still cant get all three to look great in one picture. I think its impossible.

  13. I think it is a common problem, be glad you are not the octomom LOL

  14. oh - the impossible feat for any momma

  15. Yeah, Mom just let them pick the strawberries. Your kids are adorable! I always have a hard time getting a good photo of all my kids together too.

  16. I have problems with just one. So I can't imagine! They are still cute shots though.

  17. Kids are never still at the same time! I've got the same problem. Looks like they are having a great time. I wish we planted strawberries, my dd and hubby share some every night!

  18. Taking a decent picture of three smiling children is seriously hard work!!!

    I think you do a great job, though!

  19. I guess I'm lucky My kids are such hams... I honestly use the camera to calm fits as they start smiling the minute it comes out.

  20. I think the trick is to take them all the time so the odds are greater :) Though, I do like some of the not so perfect pictures.


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