Problem Solved


Thanks for all who wrote last week with your thoughts and suggestions on my dinner time dilemma.

No worries though.

Tonight my kids sat down and ate their dinner without one complaint.

Not one. 

And let me tell you there was no dilly dallying. 

They sat on the curb, gobbled it up with relatively little mess and we were on our merry way, walking around downtown enjoying the boats and the harbor.

See, I had it all wrong before.  Slaving over the hot stove, struggling to find new recipes, serving up balanced meals of protein, vegetables, and carbohydrates. 

Tonight after a fun father’s day celebrating on the high seas we stopped for some ice cream

ice cream for dinner

And as we drove home with our bellies full of milk and sugar, my husband pointed out to me that we hadn’t bothered to feed them any d—i-n-n-e-r tonight.

oops…how did it get to be so late?

By the time we caught fireflies and went inside it was past eight o’ clock.  No one was hungry, so we chocked it up to special occasion and summertime and put them to bed.  Nothing like a bowl full of sugar before bed to ensure a good night of sleep for all. 

Yes, please just send the mom of the year award to Crystal…aka Circus Mom… I’ll start working on my acceptance speech now… starting off with my tips for healthy, well balanced diets for preschoolers. 


  1. It looks like you all had a great time! Plus ice cream for dinner and fire fly catching is part of summer.

  2. Well, at least no one complained about it!

  3. I should mention that when I was putting them to bed our son said, "Dad, don't we need meat and vegetables to be healthy?" My response... "You're right. We'll have a healthy breakfast. Now go to bed."
    (I think he was stalling)

  4. How funny!!!! At least you got your dairy in.

  5. Funny! My daughter uses the same stalling technique, strangly enough. Last night, for example, right before she was to get to bed, she remembered we hadn't eaten veggies with dinner. And... this is the one stalling technique that works with Daddy (and therefore, Mommy), because, if she is willing to sit down and eat a bowl of vegetables before bed, we will surely give them to her!

  6. Hey in their eyes you are the best mom! I mean what could beat having ice cream for dinner?!?!

  7. Cute Cute Cute! Is that Stormbrothers I spy? Yummo!!! Happy (Belated) Father's Day!

  8. Thanks for the smile this morning. I hope it was a great Father's Day for all. Every child needs a few ice cream for dinner days. : ) And the picture is precious! You have such a sweet family.

  9. How funny! Good to know we aren't the only ones that has happened to! Glad to hear that your post dated Father's Day celebration was a hit with everyone!

  10. Ice cream always makes me hopelessly hungry. I never eat it cause it's just going to make me want more. (sad face)

  11. LOL...I've done this many times too!!!

  12. that picture says it all - who needs veggies when you have ice cream and facepaint? every father's day should be so fun! glad you guys enjoyed downtown (one of your favorite places to be!).

  13. But those are the days you'll look back on fondly. I love it.

  14. So that is the solution...AWESOME! We'll hit Rita's tomorrow night for dinner. (local Italian Ice/Frozen Custard place)



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