Because I’m More Forgetful Than I’d Like to Admit


The one piece of parenting advice I wish I had adhered to better is to “write down those cute things your kids say b/c you will forget.” 

Me forget?  Come on… there’s not way I could forget those cute little things my kids say… I’m super mom.

Yea, I also never thought I’d bring my kids to church with mismatched shoes and no diaper bag…but

5 years and 3 kids later and super mom has left the building. 

So, when I found out about this carnival, I thought it sounded like a great way to write down those things my kids say which I swear I’d never forget and quite often by the time Scott is home from work, I've already forgotten…they may not be incredibly profound or hilarious, but years from now I am sure I’ll be glad to have them recorded. 


3 year old says to me at dinner on a swim class day, “Mom, I got wet when I went swimming.  Every time I go that happens.”


5 year old son, “Mom do want me to grow up?” 

me:  “Well I’ll probably miss the days when we could sit and snuggle together when you were little.”

son: “Don’t worry mom, when I am a grown up I will come over every day and snuggle with you.”


23 mth old, (reaching hands to sky) “can’t reach moon… can’t reach it!”

5 year old brother says, “Don’t worry, when I grow up I’ll take you there b/c I am going to be an astronaut.”


After watching the Orioles lose to the Red Sox my 3 year old was on the phone with her grandpa and said, “It was a bummer the Red Sox won, but I still had a good time because we brought food.”


After going on a pirate adventure for our father’s day celebration this kids all retuned home with gold coins.  The next day my 5 yr old son was carrying around his sack of coins and asked I could help him with his “tax appointment.”


And while it isn’t exactly a quote, it cracked me up nonetheless… on Saturday morning after I made pancakes for breakfast, I sent my sweet little daughter in to wake up Daddy and tell him breakfast was ready.  When I got no response, I went down the hall and found this….

rise and shine toddler style

Nothing says rise and shine like your little girl standing over you with a toy rifle.


  1. that is a great carnival. though, i'm a little concerned that at five, your son is already concerned about taxes. what about tithing??? love the pic, too. gosh your kids are adorable.

  2. Oh my gosh..I got a kick out of all those!!! LOL about the appointment w/ the tax guy!!! Hahaha!!!
    Those were awesome! What a wonderful way to remember all the cute and funny things they say!

  3. ooo what a great account of the things being said in your house! Its good you wrote down your 5 yo claiming to come over to cuddle!

  4. I love the picture I confess to eagerly awaiting it after the facebook status.

  5. Truly hilarious. I've always felt that way about the moon. Andrew said the same thing to me and he still hasn't pulled through.

  6. These are classic!! I was so sure I would be "supermom" and remember everything too...I have forgotten so much. This is a great carnival, I had not heard about it before.

  7. LOL, your kids have always been so funny!

  8. Oh my goodness. These cracked me up. Your 3 year old "getting wet everytime she swims" is hilarious!

    Love the rifle wake up!

    So glad you'll remember all of these now. I love reading my Tiny Talk - it's been 2 years and I think I'll publish the Tiny Talks in a book this year - what excellent coffee table reading :)

  9. I started recording these too. So fun! I loved the swimming quote and the picture of your daughter on the bed is just awesome.

  10. That picture is hilarious! Oh my stars! What cute things you remembered to jot down...way to go! Let me know how the boy's taxes turn out...maybe I'll let him handle mine next year!!!! He is going to have a knack for dealing with money, I tell you!


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