A Role That Suits Her Well


My kids made an important decision this week.   After much deliberation, they’ve finally figured out their Halloween costumes for next fall.  And really, not a moment too soon… what with 146 days till Halloween, it’s a good thing we’ve got it settled. 

My son will be Luke Skywalker (he told me this week that he wished when he was a baby we had name him Luke Skywalker).   My 3 year old will be Princess Leia.  And Daddy will of course be Darth Vador.   My youngest child and my costumes are still up for deliberation… R2D2 and C3PO have been proposed.

We did a practice run through on my daughter’s hair this week.  You know, making sure we’ve got it just so in time for October 31st.   What do you think? 

As we talked about Princess Leia, I realized it is a role that suits my daughter quite well.  She’s feminine and royalty and even gets rescued from time to time, but she also has some spunk, speaks her mind, and can defend herself quite well.  Yes, that suits my girl, to a “t”. 



  1. I love this! Though I was thinking about star wars costumes for my crew this year...

  2. How very true!! Hope they have star war fun!

  3. I always wanted to be princess leia

  4. i remember the days of my braided pig tails, swooning to be rescued by Luke (played by Scott, of course) and feeling very cool. tell your daughter I'm totally with her. oh, and i use to have R2D2 underoos. if i still had them, i'd totally let you borrow them for October.

  5. To Cute.!

    However, if they come up with what they would like for Christmas, wait, be patient and don't buy anything yet.
    One year (and only one year) I decided to get a jump on the holidays. Big mistake. Both Scott and Stella changed their minds after Thanksgiving (3 months after I had gotten the 'must haves' they had wanted). Oh well, at least I could return them. 8-)

  6. too adorable! she is too cute for words.
    oh, i wanted to mention from your comment on my blog that i have 3 kids. maya, brin, and dane.
    caleb (the little boy in the pictures) and sammy the beeyootiful pink princess are my friend, jenny's!

  7. She looks adorable! She'll make a great Princess Leia! It's funny because we have a printer at work that we nicknamed r2d2! I never even knew where the reference came from! Now I do!

  8. She looks SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!

    I think it's gonna be a Star Wars year here, too. Everything is about Star Wars at our house right now. They're obsessed!

    But, oh, is it FUN!

  9. Awesome!!!! My son was Luke, so we grew his hair out to put a pony tail. He was embarrassed. He didn't want to take pics on Halloween. But my daughter was adorable as Leia. One of my favorite costumes ever!


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