8 Great Years and Counting


I put together a short video for our anniversary (I promise it’s only 2 min 10 secs) of my hubby and me over the past 8 years.  Those of you who have read our story, see if you can tell why I picked the song I did.  Also, for fun see if you can pick out the 3 shots taken by my son in this 2 minute video montage. 

As I look back over the past 8 years I see lots of national parks and newborn babies…what a great time we’ve had!! 

Here’s to many more years of new and exciting things with you by my side Scott!!


  1. I am shocked I had to wait until 1:50 for a Steelers picture! But, I loved the montage. You have had a busy eight years!

  2. Happy, happy, happy anniversary!! I loved the video - you did a GREAT job! :)

    Here's to many, many more happy, picture-taking, world-traveling, Steelers-loving years together! :)

  3. happy anniversary guys!!! your marriage is such and encouragement to all who know you. keep up the good work!!

  4. This almost made me cry! I loved it, though!!!! Happy Anniversary!

  5. Thanks for sharing that. Happy Anniversary!

  6. Happy Anniversary! I love the pictures and I think I know the three he took. (the two dancing at the end and the Christmas one that's on kid eye level. He got better at aiming there at the end.)

  7. I'm all goosebumpy after watching your video! I loved the song choice (I'd never heard it before) and all the pictures were terrific...seeing you all cute and pregnant and holding your sweet newborns was so cool! You guys have a once in a lifetime special love...a love grounded firmly in faith, which is what makes it work so well. You guys are one of the coolest married couples I know...via the internet.

    Happy Anniversary!

  8. Super Cool Video - and oh so special! Happy Happy Anniversary!!! Can't wait to see what the following years bless you with. Great selection of pictures - how did you pick - out of the millions that you have :-) Have a terrific celebration to both of you.

  9. Sweet, sweet, sweet! Congratulations on 8 wonderful years. Hope your anniversary was great.

  10. Scott (Circus Hubby)Tuesday, June 02, 2009

    Thanks for making such a fun video. It has been a great 8 years and it blows my mind that we really are just gettting started. I can't wait for whatevers next.

    P.S. Funny that youtube recommends a video clip on "solid state chemistry" at the end of the clip.

  11. so cute and sweet! thanks for stopping by my blog.
    you are an excellent story teller, too.

  12. oh, and of course happy anniversary! :)

  13. Lovely. Happy anniversary! I hope it was a great day.

  14. Keep replaying your video. Perfect song!!! How did you find it- like it was written just for this occassion.

  15. Wow, Crystal, I am so impressed with your techno-savvyness : ) You did such a great job with this... both with making a great slide show, and with getting me choked up! : )

    LOVE YOU!!

  16. that definitely made me cry a little. and i don't think it was just the pregnancy hormones. i love you guys.

  17. 8 years! Love it! Great job first stab at doing video's and who's your first video on...the man that God placed in your heart and in your hand 8 beautiful years ago! Keep going strong girl and keep sharing your story! Love you guys tons!


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