She’s Got the Look


My oldest daughter has been demonstrating her growing independence and her new sense of style these days.  

IMG_3094Her new favorite pants are these orange leggings with candy corn on them that she got at Halloween.  I don’t know what made her take such a liking to them this January but she wants to wear them EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. 

When she wanted to wear them to the park a few weeks ago with her purple sweater, I started to try and persuade her to change.  Then I recalled a comment I had made recently on a friend’s blog about how I just love the outfits preschoolers put together and how great it is to let them just be themselves.  She insisted she wanted to show Nana her “candy pants” and I couldn’t be a hypocrite, so I complied.  


She’s  also begun to take a liking to layering her shirts. At first I was pretty impressed.  She came out one day with a green long sleeve shirt with a cute orange shirt on top that had green in the print.  It looked really cute and coordinated well and I thought perhaps she was taking after her Aunt Karen with the layered look. 

But, then the layers kept piling on.


We’ve got the long sleeve tee underneath, with her favorite soccer tee shirt on top.  Then we have her pink Steelers jersey followed by the inside out Elmo pajama tee.  To complete the ensemble we have the super hero cape hanging from the back. 

I am sure that one day she will look at these pics and post them on Kristen’s Fro’ Me To You carnival asking what her mother was thinking letting her dress like this and then taking pictures of it.

But, I can’t help it.  I think she looks adorable.  And I love the quirky looks she comes up with.  I know one day this too will pass and so I am enjoying watching her personality shine through and letting her just be herself. 

To find more pics that leaves girls asking, “What was I thinking when I wore that?” check out We are THAT Family.


  1. She's adorable! I made my boys red capes just like that. She'd fit right in over here. :)

  2. She IS adorable!
    I especially love the pigtails in the first picture :)

  3. LOL!! My daughter always did the same thing. Then, it's like it all disappeared and she was obsessed with black. She had to wear all black all the time. SHE WAS FOUR!! Sigh. Now she's 11 and has a wonderful sense of style!

  4. I think she looks cute...she and her cousin have a similar sense of style!

  5. I love to let them dress, too - although it is hard to leave the house sometimes ... she is adorable ... and now I'm off to shop for a pink steerlers jersey!

  6. She's got the look alright! And I think it's fun and great that you let her be herself. It's letting her be creative and make her own choices. So cute!

  7. She is so cute and she looks very confident in what she is wearing and that is one of the biggest things about fashion. Being confident in what your wearing, no matter what it is. :)

  8. She is adorable and you'll never regret letting her be herself!

  9. All the cool girls layer their shirts. She'll figure out what goes with what as she gets bigger. I love the first picture, she's adorable. So what if the prints don't match, everyone knows that purple and orange look good together!

  10. Oh my gosh, she is adorable!!! Yay for you for letting her express herself. You both rock!

  11. Too funny! Last week when I did a Fro Me post about my mom, I called to tell her to read it. She immediately asked if I dug out some of the horrendous pics from the 70's with the outfits she swears *I* wanted to wear :)

  12. What a cutie. Yes, I definitely see this as a future Fro' me to you!!

  13. She is so cute! I love the first picture especially. At least with all of the layers, she'll stay warm!

  14. I totally saw Heidi Klum wear that outfit on America's Next Top Model...or maybe it was Tyra Banks? Nope...neither. It was on What Not To Wear actually, but it totally works for your little girl! She's so stinking adorable she could wear anything and still be adorable. Really, how do you handle the cute overload at the circus?

  15. Love it! The "matching" and layered looks are fabulous!

  16. This is just way too cute! I've got some of my daughter dressing herself that are just as good. :-) I'm saving them for her wedding video!

  17. She is too adorable! I totally remember the "I dress myself" stage when my daughter went through it, many moons ago. Self expression is a wonderful thing, and your daughter's confidence is just glowing!

    Yay You! for letting her be herself!

  18. please, oh please, include this in any sort of video montage you show at her wedding. or at least the rehearsal dinner. it is CLASSIC!


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