Savoring our Victory


Since you’ve seen the decor at the circus for the big game, I thought I’d give you a glimpse of the cast members as well.

We had some fun last night, that is FOR SURE!!!

My daughter and her Papa wore their Steelers jackets to church Sunday morning.


The kids had their faces painted for the game to show some Steelers pride!


Great Grandpa snapped a picture of the hang celebrating during half time!


We also took a new family photo.


At the end of the game we woke the two oldest kids up to share in a celebratory sparkling cider toast! 


Some were a bit harder to wake than others.


I got my love of football from my Dad.  I have many fond memories of cheering on the Steelers with him over the years.  It only seemed appropriate to take a pic together on the big day.


IMG_3572And here I am with the love of my life.   We have had many, many fun times this year cheering on our team.  We went to training camp in Latrobe this summer.  We watched every single game of the season thanks to NFL season ticket.  We then went to the AFC Championship game and had the time of our life, watching the Steelers beat the Ravens and earn their spot in Super bowl 43.  And then we watched our boys bring home one for the other thumb as they won their 6th Super Bowl victory.  What a good season it’s been!  We’ve made memories to last a lifetime and there’s no one I’d rather spend the season with then Scott!



  1. It looks like you had a blast!!!

  2. ADORABLE pictures! I can't keep up with your celebratory posts, though! It was such a great game....and I can't imagine how it feels to be a Pgh. Steeler today...they must be exhausted and yet bursting with excitement and energy all at the same time. It's a great day for everyone here!

  3. As much as it pains me to admit, they definitely deserved the win : ) Congrats!

  4. there should be some award for you guys or something. between the last post and this one - could there have been a better party??? i'm glad i got to enjoy it with in phone-spurts. go steelers!!

  5. I love the family photo! You guys are some serious fans. We had my FIL at our house to watch the game. His health is still bad but he stayed awake for the entire game.

    About the B-Day letter...Fred's not a writer and he finds things like this corny! He just laughs and me but also knows it's a sweet thing to do.

  6. Sooooooooooooooooo awesome!


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