Not Me!


Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

While I was posting about my true love story each day last week, a whole circus load of activity was going on around here.

I did not

  • put my kids to bed without having them brush their teeth because we got home late from a church meeting and I was trying to rush the bedtime routine.
  • I certainly didn’t forget to bring their fluoride in like I had promised resulting in my son waking up the next morning and saying, “Mom, you never brought us our fluoride, do you want us to get cavities?”
  • take a picture of my son’s nose after he ran smack into the baby gate/wall on his way to bed


(please note I only took the picture so I could compare it later to see if it looked better or worse in the morning)  (it looked worse…got a nice shade of black and blue a few days later too)

Back to my not me list.  I also didn’t…

  • show up at my pediatrician’s office on Wednesday with all three kids dressed and looking nice (I was feeling so proud of myself) at 8:57 for our 9:00 appointment only to learn that our appointment was actually Friday at 9:30. 
  • Take my son to the grocery store on Friday morning in his pajamas to buy his valentine cards for his party that morning. 
  • And I certainly didn’t give his teacher a gift which I used reinforcement circles to attach the card to because I couldn’t find tape in my rush to get everyone out the door in time for school.  Classy, huh?

Yea… I know it looked like me, but it must have been someone else doing those things, because I was busy reminiscing about how Scott and I met and fell in love. 


What?  Give them chocolate fondue for dessert?  Let them dip the fruit themselves??  No way, NOT ME!!


  1. I can totally relate!!!

    And I can tell you that as I was reading your post, MC was sitting here beside me, and when I got to the last picture, she said, "Mommy! I want to get messy like that!! Can I get messy like that??" LOL!

  2. Welcome to NMM!
    I cannot imagine getting to the doctor's office half an hour early with three kids in tow. Total torture! Your poor thing...
    Your family is adorable. Love that chocolate pic!

  3. I have never let my kids go to bed without brushing teeth just to hurry through the bedtime process! Ha! Good Not Me post. I like your site, especially the Erma Bombeck quote. I totally agree!

  4. Aww....that pic of your lil one is too cute! (Love the poked out lip)

  5. I would never do any of those things either. Love the last photo.

  6. Wow the chocolate looks yummy. Sometimes I think our children know we blog and do there best to accommodate with good photo ops.

  7. You're kids are adorable. I have two kids 2.5 years and 13.5 months and plan to TTC #3 around May so I understand how it can be chaotic but so amazing! Love your blog!

  8. this is my favorite carnival yet. and your son with his lip out is awesome. (except for the hurt nose part. which somehow made me laugh. bad aunt...)

  9. Please tell me the pediatrician worked you in, and didn't send you away to wait until Friday!

  10. I am SO guilty of the no toothbrushing thing! Great post, thanks for visiting my blog!

  11. Great list!! I love that you let them dip the fruit themselves. That's the best part of fondue!


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