Everybody Needs a Friend


This is what I found after my daughter was playing with her doll house.



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  1. I love little finds like that. It is so cute and sweet!

  2. Too cute...but I'm left wondering about the lone little person in the back on her face. At Bible Study a few weeks ago Beth Moore was telling us (via dvd, not in person) how we need to get down on our faces before God every day. So, I'm assuming that even the Little People realize the importance of their quiet time with God each day! It seems better than any alternative I can come up with as to why she's in that position all by herself.

  3. Wow this is sweet! I am a little concerned for the guy on the floor in the corner though. Looks like he might be a little more than upset with being left out!

  4. so i think the girl in the back was part of a love triangle, and your daughter, being too wise for her own good, had her hacked.

    yup, that's my take.

  5. I love this! Little People do some pretty hilarious things at our house too.


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