Day One of Training


Well, January came and went and I exercised one day in 2009.  This is why I have to set goals for myself.  Without a race in my future, I lack the discipline to get off my butt.

So, I’ve set my sights on a Half Marathon in May in one of my favorite cities…Pittsburgh.  I am really excited.  I checked out the route online and it looks great…we cross two bridges, run downtown a bit, run along the river overlooking the city and my highlight, we run by Heinz Field (home of the Superbowl Champs)! 

I went here and found a training routine.  It’s the same one I used last summer to prep for the Annapolis 10 Mile.  Although last summer I pretty much skipped the cross training, stretching, and strength training days and just ran 3 days a week.  I did ok, but I’d really like to try to follow the schedule this time and see if I can improve my race.

Monday was day one and it called for strength and stretch.  So, I got out a DVD and did some yoga and ballet.  This of course looked like a ton of fun to the kiddos, so they joined me.  It was the most fun I have had stretching, ever!


Hmm, it appears none of us are keeping up with the video, myself included. 




This week I tackled day one of my new training schedule.  From past experience day one is the hardest in that you have to get out of the rut and get started again.  I hope to stick with the plan and run the half marathon this May in a faster time than I did it last October.   To see what others are tackling this week, check out 5 Minutes for Mom.


  1. They say that you are more successful if you exercise with someone to encourage and keep you accountable - well looks like you have them :-) Hope that you enjoy your supporters LOL Looking forward to seeing you run in Pittsburgh!!!!!

  2. Ohhh I should try this! My daughter would think I'm dancing and love to "play" along!

  3. This is my first visit to your blog. I came over from Tackle It Tuesday. What a great idea ... to set a goal for motivation! I love that your wee ones are participating with you. You're setting a very healthy example for them early in life.

  4. The Girl and I have been doing the Wii fit together for a week now. I love it I have tried sooo many different exercises and other than running I could not stick to it because I felt weird but with the Wii fit I have something outside myself to focus on, like running. I miss running but my ankles yell at me everything I do so I have to find something else. Hope we both can keep it up.

  5. but with 3 cute kids by your side, it can't be that bad, right? you all look very fit and healthy!

  6. It's ironic that I'm eating a bag of Doritos while reading your post on getting in shape for a marathon. Hmn....? Perhaps I should take a cue from you and bust out some of my work out dvd's.

    Or not.

    But best of luck to you...I want you to be in darn good shape so you can come to Pgh in May!! I would be so disappointed if you couldn't come due to improper training. SO....I'll be holding you accountable...

  7. HI you sure do make me think Hope you make it next year KNOW you will. Keep up the blogs

  8. Great tackle!! Boy, I wish I could be a runner like you! I think it's awesome that you've signed up for another marathon...I'm sure you're going to do great!

    And I really do need to try to do my exercise videos with the kids. I bet they would think it was fun!

  9. It's a HALF marathon, not a full 26.2 miles...lest there be any confusion. And truly, I didn't become a "runner" till recently and still don't really consider myself a real runner.

  10. Those are the cutest pictures!! Keep at it!

  11. You are so awesome... a half marathon... wow! I love the photos.


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