A Little Out of the Ordinary


Sometimes it takes very little to turn the ordinary into something memorable.  If your willing to change things up a bit, you can have fun with really, very little effort.

The other day the kids and I baked some cookies for a care package, but we saved some to enjoy with Daddy after dinner.   While we don’t have dessert everyday, a chocolate chip cookie after dinner is not all that memorable.

The kids had the idea of eating our cookies under the table. 

This simple action turned the ordinary into extraordinary.

They were delighted to have all 5 of us crammed under the table enjoying our treat.

We started with a girls side and a boy side.


This didn’t last for long as the girls soon enjoyed climbing over the “gate” in the middle to be with the boys.


I love this picture because of my youngest.  You can totally tell she is saying cheese as she shows off her mouth full of chocolate!



“Life brings simple pleasures to us every day. It is up to us to make them wonderful memories.”
Cathy Allen


  1. Great job - although I think you do your best at making everyday extra-ordinary!! Love the chocolate mouth :-)

  2. What fun!!! I love that you do take the ordinary and make it "extraordinary" for your family!

  3. Nana here.
    Where's my cookie? 8-)
    tahee tahee

  4. What an awesome thing. I remember something very similar having Lunch under the table while watching a thunderstorm through our french doors. It was how I learned to love Thunderstorms.

  5. I'm not gonna lie, that picture made me laugh!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I totally agree that you are so good at making every day extraordindary for your family! I would never think to do the things you do that end up turning into so many wonderful fun moments. And that last picture is so great...I love the "Cheese" with the mouth full of chocolate...she knows how to take a picture!

  7. I love moments like that. Those are the things they'll remember for a long, long time.

  8. You never cease to amaze me with your creativity! Even your kids have that gift!! Gosh, I wish you lived close by!

  9. ...I don't think Fred could fit under our table though, this one may not be for us...;)


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