A Circus Hodgepodge


I have been going non stop the past several days.  Friends over for dinner, going to other friends homes for dinner, attending a party, hosting a surprise party…it has been social function after social function for 5 days straight.  I have enjoyed each experience greatly, but I am an introvert and after spending time with people I need time alone to recharge.   I have one more event tonight (a MOPS Family Fun Night at our church…being as I am the coordinator, I need to be there and be fun).  Tomorrow I have big plans of staying home all day to recharge my batteries.  The kids and I are going to make snowman foods, watch Frosty and do some crafts.  Just us.  I am looking forward to it greatly.  Somewhere in there I also need to do some laundry b/c if you knew what my poor husband went through to find a presentable outfit this morning to wear to his presentation, well, if you knew than you would know that I will not be nominated for woman of the year anytime soon.  Somewhere in the mad dash to find clean work clothes, I uttered the phrase, “Hey, I found matching socks… that’s good right?”  Yes, a good indicator that you are at a low point.

And in the midst of all this “socialness”  I have been absent from blogland.  Typically the weekends are quiet time for blogging.  Not this weekend…  I leave the blog roll for a few days and come back to find that Monica’s husband is on his way home for R&R, Rebecca was out for a week due to the cold and returned as Martha Stewart, Jessie goes to Ca and sees Kirk Cameron, and M. has made it to her 100th post already! 

I have had so many thoughts and post ideas rolling around in my head and yet when naptime is here and I have a chance to sit and compose I am finding it difficult to formulate it all.  I have some funny kid anecdotes which I just may collect together in a a post if for no other reason than to ensure I “write” them down so I don’t forget them. 

IMG_4231 I’ll leave you with two pictures from the weekend.  This is the kids trying to keep Scott from going to work on Saturday.  As he picked our youngest up to hug her goodbye, the older two grabbed his legs to try to keep him from leaving.  Sometimes they hide his keys or wallet or badge in the morning.  Scott and I will be scrambling around the house looking for them and then out of desperation ask the kids if they’ve seen Daddy’s keys only to have them go and pull them out from under the couch cushion where they hid them.  When we ask why they did that they reply, “so Daddy couldn’t go to work.”  Some mornings it is quite cute and endearing…other mornings when he is late for a meeting it is a little less cute. 

And my last picture will also not earn me the “Woman of the Year” award.

IMG_4240 Like our new nightstand?  This summer when I was cleaning and reorganizing the master bedroom I turned Scott’s night stand into the printer stand and moved his alarm clock to the file cabinet in the corner.  On more mornings than I care to admit I find this as I am making the bed.  Classy don’t ya think?  At least it is multifunctional.  When Scott’s not ironing his clothes in the morning, the ironing board serves as a place to put his reading lamp and book. 


  1. You missed my big announcement! While you were away, I announced my pregnancy! :)

    And yes, I will be blogging again. haha! I'm such a slacker.

    Anyway, glad you're back!

  2. I was wondering about you. I get so used to reading your blog daily that I really miss you when you're away.

    It does sound like you've been very busy! I hope you enjoy your day at home with your kids tomorrow. I am so much like you in that I need time of solitude and quiet in order to recharge.

    Thank you so much for your prayers....tomorrow's our big day!!

  3. I am glad you had a fun weekend we loved having you here. The Girl is still talking about it.

  4. when i first read the post this morning, my first thought after seeing those pictures was "no comment". but now here i am. loving my extended family that is the circus. it's good to have you back!

  5. Don't worry...I also feel like it's been an eternity since I blogged, with all the traveling hogging up all of my blogging time. :)

    The picture of the kids dragging behind Scott is so funny and cute!

  6. Isn't it terribly hard to focus your thoughts into a post when you lose your groove? I find that so difficult. I have missed you, though! I just lamented that fact to Derek. Of course, he said, "Who's Crystal?" And I said, "Circus life Crystal." Because my man is good with key words...you are Circus Crystal. Or Crystal from the Circus. Anywho, it's funny how we connect on eachother's blogs so that when a day is missed it feels like I've missed actually talking to you or seeing you somehow. Or maybe that's just me.

    ps. the carrot cake turned out pretty yummy. martha would have been proud!


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