True Heroes


There's a show on Disney which my kids really liked for awhile, but it just didn't sit right with my husband and I.  There's nothing morally objectionable in it.  It's just a silly little cartoon.  My concern lies with the fact that it seems to trivialize the word hero.   Ever seen Higglytown Heroes?  In each story the main characters find themselves in a situation which needs help from a higglytown hero (a local community person doing their job)  It might be the locksmith, the veterinarian, or the barbershop owner.  While I agree that anyone can be a hero, I do not believe that just doing your job makes you a hero.  I think you need to do something brave or honorable to be considered a hero.  Getting my door unlocked when I lock my keys inside, is really helpful.  It's a job I am truly thankful for.  But I don't feel like you can use the word heroic to describe that action.  I feel doing so takes away from the truly heroic acts of policeman, fireman, and military servicemen. 

My husband and I both have grandfathers who served in WW II.  We are proud of their role in defending our nation.  We are proud of the sacrifices they made for our freedoms.   They are true heroes.

 Dad croppedCA 093

We want our children to recognize what a true hero is.  So, we don't encourage our kids watch that show anymore.  I just didn't want to take away from their definition of a hero.  

One thing that has always struck me about my husband is the honor he gives to veterans.  Ever since we were dating, when we are out and about and he comes across a veteran, he always walks over to them and thanks them for their service to our country.  We've taught our children to do the same, and to also thank the fire and police men and women we see.  

My son has an uncle (my brother in law) who currently serves in our army.  IMG_8370My son knows that his uncle fought bad guys in Iraq.  He adores his uncle and loves to be his "army buddy" and help him fight bad guys.  Anytime he'd ask questions about pirates (to which I often didn't have an answer) he'd respond, "I'll ask my uncle... he'll know".... because if it had to do with anything bad, clearly the good soldiers would know about it (since their job is to fight bad guys).  Hence his misconception that his uncle was in Iraq fighting pirates.  While he might need a lesson in geography and while at his age, I keep most particulars rather vague...we are instilling in him an appreciation for the fact that our soldiers are taking care of us by fighting bad guys.  And this makes them heroes.  And when we see men and women in uniform, we give them respect, and awe.  While you could make the argument that they too are good citizens, helping others by doing their jobs well, they are making many sacrifices to do so and they put their life on the line in the process. 

This Veteran's Day I want to say thanks to the men and women and their families who have served to protect my freedoms.  And I think with pride of our grandfathers, cousins, and uncles who bravely fought for our nation.  I am truly filled with pride to be a part of their family line.  And I am thankful for my brother in law serving right now in our army for providing my son with a real, tangible portrait of a hero.


  1. He is so funny in his little fatigues! It's wonderful that you are instilling such reverence in him so early.

  2. Thank you for teaching your children such important lessons! And for honoring veterans and their families by showing your support. You have been such a blessing and encouragement to me!

  3. Thanks, Crystal, for this post. Jim loves his 'little army buddy' and always knows to bring his uniform whenever we visit. :) I think of Grandpa today, too. I think I'll give Nana a call.....

  4. Thank you so much for the wonderful tribute! I put Grandpa's flag out today in memory and honor of him. Thanks for reminding me to thank so many other family members who have served.

  5. Awesome tribute to those who fought and are still fighting for our country. They are truly the heros we need to teach our children about. You are such a good teacher.

  6. Such a nice post. My younger brother leaves for the Navy in December so it is hitting close to home for me now. I've always been very grateful for all the brave soldiers in uniform.

    And I for one hate getting The Higglytown Heroes song stuck in my head.

    I don't think Disney means any harm with the show and certainly it isn't immoral, but that doesn't mean it really teaches our kids the important stuff. So glad you are not one of those moms who just turns on the t.v. and walks away without a second thought as to what they are watching.

    The world needs more circus leaders, I mean, moms like you.

  7. I too thank you for this tribute. To the heros of our times - Thank You!!

  8. If you have time please tell more about your grandparents & explain the medals in the photo!

    I still greet veterans in public when I see them wearing their hats with their ship's name and such. I'm even at the point when I see men about my dad's age (My dad was a Staff Sargent in the Army during WWII) I'll ask if they served. Most men did. In fact tonight my dad was telling me that his older married brother, Steve, was drafted when more men were needed (married men with children were exempt until the end). He was only in one week when the Japanese surrendered. Steve was home on furlough (after only 1 week? Perhaps 1 week after boot camp) so they merely told him, "Hey, no need to come back". Imagine being a veteran for 1 week of service!

  9. What a great Veteran's Day post! Most ppl don't even get why we celebrate Veteran's day...

    I agree w/ you on trivializing words! What we speak, we believe.

    And we need more BIL's like yours out there fighting pirates. I think the military would give a lot of our high school graduates a greater sense of purpose than the college life. It's hard to believe that the men from the Greatest Generation were the same age as our boys at frat parties doing keg stands.


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