Give Away: My Husband Rocks


How often do you plan something special just for your hubbie?  No, not your anniversary or his birthday, but just because you love him? 

While I was at the MOPS convention last month, there was a woman there promoting The Husband Project.   Curious, I stopped by her booth.  The husband project is basically a guideline for helping wives to focus on their husbands needs.  The project is designed to last for 3 weeks.  They have a different project for you to do for your husband each of the 21 days and one bonus project for each week.  The ladies on my MOPS leadership team thought this sounded like an excellent idea.  So each of us is going through "the project" right now and we plan to organize an event this spring so that all of the ladies in our MOPS group has the chance to participate.

The projects are not elaborate or expensive.  Some require more planning than others and all of them help you to focus more on your hubby.

I must admit that I thought I did a pretty good job of focusing on Scott, in fact some of the projects are things that I do regularly for Scott already.  But, this project has already opened my eyes to find new ways in which I could focus on my husband and made me realize how much I often take him for granted. 

Today I sent this e-mail to Scott at work.

Subject: guess what i did?

i just gave Maggie a bath... it had been a long time and it is something i typically leave for you so I thought one way i could speak your language today was by giving her a bath.  :-) 
i love you!

I've mentioned before that Scott's love language is acts of service.  Today's assigned project had nothing to do with this, but I got the idea in my head and decided to make it a bonus act.  No reason to limit myself to one act right?  It took about 30 minutes, but this simple act meant a lot to my hubby.  Check out the e-mail I received back from him later that afternoon.

You TOTALLY did speak my language just now.  I want to tell someone how happy I am but I am afraid it would be lost on them.  In that sense I have to agree words translate better :-)

I don't know that I would have thought of doing this if I hadn't been working on the husband project right now.  I am excited about setting aside three weeks to spend extra time and energy on Scott.  As a busy SAHM with three preschoolers, it takes intentional effort sometimes.  

In honor of this project, I have a give a way for all of you.   Another booth I visited at the MOPS convention was a tee shirt booth called From Me Tees where I purchased my very own tee shirt to wear with pride for my hubby.  In fact all 5 ladies that attended from my group, bought shirts for their hubbies and we proudly wore them home on Sunday for the guys to see when they picked us up at the airport.  We had to get up at 3:30am to make our flight that morning, so please pardon our expressions in this shot if we look a bit tired.  IMG_4513








I was surprise at how many comments we received from people when they saw our shirts.  One man said to me, "It's so nice to see ladies making a positive statement about their husbands for a change."  It was neat to see the response our shirts drew from total strangers. 

I contacted the lovely gal who designs these shirts and she has graciously offered to give one commenter their choice of either a daisy tee or one of the original "my husband rocks" tees in either hot pink or chocolate brown!!  So, if you are interested in the chance to win a shirt that is sure to make your hubby smile, check out her site at the link below and then be sure to leave me a comment telling why your husband rocks  by noon on Friday and I will chose one random commenter to receive a free shirt! 

 my husband rocks frommetees


  1. This is something that I will do a post about later on when I feel comfortable about telling everyone, but for Andy's sake I'll tell you now. I don't drive. Andy ROCKS big time because he has never made me feel embarrassed, dumb or a burden for this odd fear I have. So, everyday no matter how many hours he's worked or how tired he is, he takes me somewhere to get me out of the house. He takes me everywhere as you can imagine. He used to change his schedule around to take me to work for years! Dr.'s appointments for me & Madi, grocery shopping, fast food or you name it he has to take me and has never complained a single day in our 16 years together about this and has tried to help me numerous times to drive. And is even ready to attempt another try at it real soon due to caring for Madi. I love him and I think this makes him a rockin' husband.

  2. Just linked to you from we are THAT family.....and couldnt' help but stop by for such a great sounding giveaway! My hubby plays a smokin' he does literally...rock. ;-) But he is also amazing, inspiring, smart, an awesome dad to our crew of 4, puts up with my numerous bad habits, and does the dishes to boot. Plus this t-shirt would go great with my son's "my mom rocks" shirt. hehe.

  3. I love those shirts! My hubby rocks because for the past year he has worked 2 jobs so that I can stay home with our little girl. He has a good job during the day at works an overnight job also! He never gets enough sleep, and when he is home he sleeps but when he gets up he still has plenty of energy to play with our little one and help me with things. He doesn't mind doing the dishes, or any other little things that I need him to do, especially now that I am pregnant again. He also rocks because he thinke I am incredibly sexy and he loves my body more when I am preggo then when I'm not. I'm going to try to do the husband project as well, it's such a great idea!

  4. My husband rocks because he works so that I can stay home with our son. He wakes up before 5 am every day to drive 1.5 hours to work where he then drives all day for work. He then has to make the 1.5 hour drive home to eat supper with us. He doesn't complain if the house is a bit of a disaster when he gets home or if supper is late.

  5. I cannot say enough about my wonderful husband. He is an amazing dad to 5 wonderful kids. Works part time as a teacher and is a pastor. We've been married for 18 years and he still tells me everyday that I am the most beautiful woman on the planet. He gets up at 5:00 every morning, but will regularly empty the dishwasher before he leaves for work. I love him more today than they day we married! And I know he'd say the same about me! thanks for such a wonderful giveaway!

  6. I LOVE this post - and the opportunity it gives for all of these women to PRAISE their husbands. I agree with that stranger - it is nice to see "good things" about men. They get bashed everywhere. Nothing is more pleasing to God then to praise and honor the man we married. Someone I worked with once said "I never ever have heard you say a bad thing about your husband" I pray that I will continue to be that way.
    Thanks to all of you participating with your comments and with the project!!!

  7. My husband rocks! I decided to go buy the tee. If I win, 2 tees are still better than 1! :)

  8. It's so great to hear women singing their husband's praises! :) My husband, Jake, (my crush since middle school! :)) is absolutely incredible. He is a model of patience and love and thoughtfulness in our family. Something I realized this weekend more than ever is that my husband has found the perfect balance between respecting and protecting his rather independent do-it-yourselfer-style wife. We do a lot of projects together, and I love working with him because he is just as much my friend as he is my husband. He loves me AND he LIKES me! :) He makes me feel like I am beautiful and makes me feel like HE got a good - no GREAT -catch, too. My kids adore their Daddy, and always save their best giggles and smiles for him. He is honest with me in the best way - the way that makes me feel like it's ok for him to know the gritty grossness of my heart because he loves me way beyond it, and has assured me over all the years I've known him that I can be honest with him, too. I could go on and on... :) but I guess I should exercise a little brevity :) Talk about a rockin' hubby!

    Thanks so much for promoting the husband project and the go-hubby t's! They are fantastic!

  9. I love the idea of these shirts! Most husbands do all the hard labor, and really dont get credited as much as they should. This is my hubby. He is a trucker, and gone ALL week. He has to leave me and the kids by ourselves. It's hard on him, and it's hard on us. But this is his way of mkaing money and providing for his family. On the weekends he's all about the family. Even if we don't go anywhere (which is rare), we will play with the kiddos and just watch tv with them or play the wii as a family. Sure he could do something else that would have him home everynight, but we wouldn't survive on that kind of money. We are struggling enough as it is, and with him risking his life on the crazy highways day after day, week after week, he's making enough so we are just floating above water. This is why my hubby rocks! He risks his life for our family to survive!

  10. These shirts are great! My hubby is such a patient man... I mean, he puts up with my roller-coaster emotions without complaint. He also helps out with the dishes and our 9-month-old son. He works hard to make my life easier, even though I don't deserve it. He's the best, and that's why MY husband rocks! =)

  11. My husband is such a blessing to me.
    His is the color in my rainbow.
    He rocks

  12. My husband rocks because my language is totally an empty dishwasher, and a baby free bed from 6-7AM, and he speaks my language!

  13. Okay, I don't know if I qualify for your giveaway, but first of all, I LOVE those shirts!!! I have been wanting one for some time now. As you know, I was proclaiming my love for my husband on my clothing as soon as we got engaged (by wearing my "Soon to be Mrs. [Jordan's Last Name]" hoodie).

    Rather than listing his numerous virtues, and the myriad ways that he blows me away with his love, caring gestures, and wonderful way with our children, I'll just say this: he has always let me be myself, and has supported me in whatever way I need him to. he loves me for me - not what he wants me to be or for what I have to offer him.

    He truly rocks!

  14. My husband rocks. He is so awesome. He can fix almost anything he loves his children and he loves me. He doesn't want to come home to an empty house, he wants to come home to his family. He calls during the day just to say "Hi," and "I love." Example: Today he took his lunch break and came home a picked up the boys to take them to lunch with him just to spend time with his family.

  15. SWEEEET! My husband rocks because basically, He is superman! Seriously. He does laundry, washing, folding & putting away. He washes dishes, by hand if need be. He does windows ( I have pictures!). He sweeps. He (can) sew with a sewing machine! He makes the bed. He cooks (I KNOW!). He grocery shops. He takes care of us so well. He plays with all 4 boys and makes each one feel so important. He also makes time for the mama! And works a full time (plus) job. He also does manly stuff, like he has remodled our house from the studs on in. He can make things like birdhouses with the boys.

    I love my man. He is the greatest thing since chocolate... Yeah. =)

  16. My husband is a UPS driver and works very long hours but when He comes home ,there is always time for our 3 1/2 year old dd and of course me.I too don't drive,not b/c I'm afraid but because I've always lived close to transit and the library the mall etc.He is a very kind and loving husband and Daddy ,We're very LUCKY :-)

  17. Aww, I loved this post. If I dont win, I think I will just have to go buy one.

    My husband rocks because he takes such awesome care of me and our 2 children. He is a great husband and daddy!!

  18. My husband would be so happy if I would wear this tshirt!! My husband rocks because he works hard all day long, brings home all the money to support us and still gives us his undivided attention when he gets home. He does our home improvement projects, reads, gives back rubs and grills a "date Night" dinner for us every Saturday!
    My husband does rock but I sure do not tell him enough!

  19. such a great giveaway! my hubby rocks because he gets up with the kids every morning and lets me get as much sleep as i can. he works hard every day to provide for his girls. he WILLINGLY plays every silly pretend game that my kids beg me to play all day long. he cleans and occasionally cooks. but my favorite is our 15 minutes a night on the couch to cuddle, catch up on the day, and most importantly to pray together. i definitely take him for granted and i am all about this hubby project. thanks again crystal!

  20. wow, what a great idea! I would like to add that a great book on this subject is Creative counterpart by Linda Dillow.
    Okay, I do really like the t-shirt, but I am not sure that I would say "rocks" when it comes to my husband because we are really the nerdy type and frankly we like it that way. Our idea of a great evening together is watching a taped episode of the Office. That aside, I do love and admire my husband. Along with his numerous good qualities and handsome features, his gift of asking for forgiveness has truly changed my outlook on life, my understanding of God and the world. I will admit that I never knew how much that an appology could do to heal, undo, and rebuild. For this and many other reason, I know we will be in love for our whole lives.

  21. This is great! And I love to brag about my hubby. The hard part is picking one reason why my hubby rocks! So here goes... my husband rocks because he really takes the time to listen to my opinions, even when I get over-emotional. He really cares about everything I say and feel, even if he doesn't agree, and will patiently listen. He doesn't make me feel stupid or brush me off, and I get the impression that this is not typical, although all husbands should be this way.

  22. What a great idea! I love this project and I love these shirts. Can you believe my hubby LOST the one I gave him for his birthday? We helped out a Russian outreach and he changed shirts there and never got home with his my wife rocks sad!

    But he rocks for 1,000 reasons! For today? he ordered pizza on his way home from work because he knew I'd had a hectic day!

  23. My husband rocks! He helps get our daughters ready everyday, and doesn't complain about it. He gets them dressed, feeds them breakfast and gets their lunches ready. All while allowing me to get ready for the day (I work part time 2 days a week while the girls are at MDO). Then, when he comes home from work he doesn't hesitate to get down on the floor with them and play. I am definately going to look into The Husband Project :) He's totally worth it!!!

  24. My husband rocks because he is constantly speaking my love language! I collect frogs and every few weeks he surprises me with a frog themed gift! (gifts is my primary language) In addition to that he helps around the house even though he works full time and I am a SAHM (baby is 7 weeks old). He encourages me with my weight watchers but at the same time assures me that he loves me no matter my size! He is truly my knight in shinning armor!

    Jessica C.

  25. My hubby rocks because after working hard all day, he is still willing to play with our 2-year-old. He makes it a point to pay attention to us first, and then do what he wants to do later. There's a million other reasons, and I try to be thankful every day for him!

  26. He really does rock! Here's why:
    This week when our 3 year old angel came to my husband with tears in her eyes because she had dropped the tiny little brush that accompanied her pot of lipgloss down the bathroom sink drain. I expected him to snuggle her up and explain to her that it was gone. Instead, my sweet girl and her daddy took the sink apart to retrieve it. Afterward, I found him in the bathroom soaping up the little brush so that he could make sure it was germ free. Gotta love him!

  27. I don't even know where to begin...My husband is a hero for many reason, not the least of which is his tender loving care of me and our children, his unflagging support of any of my endeavors, the way he makes me laugh, the fact he'll do laundry without even being asked. But probably his most heroic act to date was delivering our son independent of a medical professional with a calm aplomb that makes me shiver and grin.

  28. I just love those shirts!!! If I don't win, I'll be getting one for myself. I love that your MOPS group all got one.

    My husband rocks for so many reasons. I'm sure I don't do him any justice at all by attempting to list them here, but I'll give it a shot. He serves his country and the soldiers of the US Army by giving his all as a chaplain during his deployment. He takes such good care of us!! He takes time out of his incredibly busy tour by communicating with me and our children. He is such a good Daddy to our girls and Will. So much so that they ask about him every single day! And he, too, has always allowed me to be myself. He has been such an encouragement to me and lifts me whenever I am having a bad day.

  29. Hey! What a great shirt! My husband ROCKS in more ways than one. He is an amazing leader, protector, encourager and provider. With his long hours and crazy work schedule, he continually finds ways to lift me up and encourage me. He finds time when there seems to be none, when he is bleary eyed and tired to make quality time with our boys and for me. For example last night he got home was dark out, but he wanted to spend time with our oldest. He decided to take Isaac out in the dark to throw the football even though he hadn't had dinner and he had paperwork to do. It meant alot to their relationship and at the same time watching it, it built ours. I am so thankful for the husband I have and if the kids weren't calling for their lunch..I'd write so much more!


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