Crank Up the Christmas Music!!


At our house, the rule is No Christmas anything until after Thanksgiving.  My hubby is pretty strict about this...He even scolded my grandma on Thanksgiving for wearing a Christmas sweater. 

But, come the day after Thanksgiving you better believe we are cranking those yuletide carols as loud as we can as we head out for some good ol' fashioned Black Friday Shopping!

I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!  It is by far my most favorite holiday of all. 

To kick off the holiday season, I thought I'd post my answers to  a "Getting To Know You Christmas Edition" e-mail I received from two different friends last week.    So, for those of you interested in learning a little more about Christmas Circus style, grab some hot cocoa and read below. 

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags or boxes? I am a horrible gift wrapper.  In general I try to opt for a recycled gift bag, but when wrapping paper is all I have left, and the job falls to me, it quite honestly looks like my child did the wrapping!

2. Real tree or Artificial?  Real

3. When do you put up the tree? the first weekend in December (a week from Thanksgiving)

4. When do you take the tree down?  New Years weekend

5. Do you like eggnog?  NO

6. Favorite gift received as a child?  the doll house my Daddy made me.  I remember loving that for YEARS and I still look back on it with fond memories

7.  Favorite gift as an adult?  The complete set of the O'Malley series by Dee Henderson (my husband gave it to me after we were married.  It was the first time I started reading for pleasure after college... I devoured the books and it renewed my love of reading)

8.  Hardest person to buy for?  my brother

8. Easiest person to buy for?  My kids

9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, several

10. Mail or email Christmas cards?  Mail them!

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?  Hmmm, I see no benefit in answering that question

12. Favorite Christmas Movie?  Charlie Brown Christmas (we watch it every year as a family on Christmas day, we started this tradition before the kids were born)  and It's a Wonderful Life (Scott and I always watch it on Christmas Eve while we wrap presents)

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?  Black Friday

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?  I don't recall a specific time, but I wouldn't put it past me

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?  my mom's nut roll

16. Lights on the tree?  Yes....white

17. Favorite Christmas song?  I love all the Christmas carols.... so hard to pick.  Joy to the World and O Holy Night are two of my favorites though!

18. Travel at Christmas or stay at home?  stay home, travel after

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's?    Of course, I even recall the most famous reindeer of all

20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Star

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning (this year we are going to open Christmas pj's on Christmas Eve though and I am SO excited about this)

22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year?  finding parking

23. What theme or color are you using?  cranberry and popcorn garland (we make it every year) with candy canes and an assortment of sentimental ornaments

24. Favorite for Christmas dinner?  Last year we had both sets of parents come here to open presents and then did brunch with fruit, cinnamon rolls, coffee cake... then everyone left and that evening after naps, our family had frozen pizza and a birthday cake for Jesus.... it was great!

25. What do you want for Christmas this year?  nothing specific comes to mind, but my hubby never disappoints me... He knows what I want before I do!


Merry Christmas Everyone!! 


  1. In the first paragraph or two, you said "the day after Christmas", but I think you meant "the day after Thanksgiving"! Better correct that, quick! :)

    I put up decorations on Black Friday, and we're putting up our tree this week! Yay!

  2. OH I just love this post! The cranberry popcorn garland sounds awesome...can we get a picture of that with a how to post? I'm going to google the O'Malley series...never heard of it and I love to read and always enjoy finding a new good series. And I don't like eggnog either and uhm, oh yea...I can't wrap and I used to get pj's on Christmas Eve when I lived at home and am going to do it for the first time with the kids this year!!! Such a neat tradition!

    So I can officially say to you now, "Happy Holidays!!!!"

  3. you do have THE BEST STAR on top of your tree. i've always envied it. and if you recall, i've never been quiet about it! :) also, i'm thrilled to hear about the christmas eve pjs! our family always did that. i'm surprised Scott's up for it, given his disdain for pjs. but a family of 5 in christmas pjs? seriously, can that cuteness be beat??? picture please!


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