Tell Him


Ladies, I have truly enjoyed reading your comments about how your husbands rock.  It was probably my most exciting blog week to date.  I can't tell you how much it brightened my day to read such uplifting words about your hubbies.  I want to encourage all of you to tell your husbands why they rock.  Today.  Don't assume they know.  Don't figure they don't need to hear it.  Don't wait for them to tell you why you rock first.  Tell them today what you told me this week.    You'll be so glad you did!

And now for the lucky winner of this fun contest!  Thanks to Random.Org for generating this number for me because there is no way I could have picked it myself!

 Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2008-11-07 19:27:49 UTC

  8JPg It’s so great to hear women singing their husband’s praises! :) My husband, Jake, (my crush since middle school! :)) is absolutely incredible. He is a model of patience and love and thoughtfulness in our family. Something I realized this weekend more than ever is that my husband has found the perfect balance between respecting and protecting his rather independent do-it-yourselfer-style wife. We do a lot of projects together, and I love working with him because he is just as much my friend as he is my husband. He loves me AND he LIKES me! :) He makes me feel like I am beautiful and makes me feel like HE got a good - no GREAT -catch, too. My kids adore their Daddy, and always save their best giggles and smiles for him. He is honest with me in the best way - the way that makes me feel like it’s ok for him to know the gritty grossness of my heart because he loves me way beyond it, and has assured me over all the years I’ve known him that I can be honest with him, too. I could go on and on… :) but I guess I should exercise a little brevity :) Talk about a rockin’ hubby! Thanks so much for promoting the husband project and the go-hubby t’s! They are fantastic!


my husband rocks frommeteesSo, let me know if you want the "my husband rocks" tee in either hot pink or brown or the "daisy tee" and I will have From me Tees ship it out to you right away!

For those that didn't win, you can purchase one for yourself.  Check out the link.  She has lots of cute styles to chose from.  One thing I noticed from my friends and I trying and retrying the shirts on again and again (yes we really were that annoying customer and she really was that patient with us) was that the fitted tees seemed to run a bit small and the non fitted tees seemed to fit big.  Keep that in mind when choosing your size. 


  1. Congrats!
    And thanks for reminding us that they need compliments too.

  2. go Jen! I would like to add that I agree that Jake is a great hubby to my dear sister and a great brother and law and son in law to the rest of the family. Thanks for the opportunity to talk about all of the hubbies, including ol' Jak-ee.

  3. Big Congratulations to Jen!!! Great tributes from all though - and hopefully they did tell their hubbies!!


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