Random Thoughts on Spring


Guess what the kids and I spotted outside this afternoon?   IMG_6298 Crocuses!!!   Oh, how I love those little purple blooms… they are the signal to me that spring is around the corner!  And as much as I have loved, (and truly, I know I whined that one day, but really, I have loved this record breaking snowy winter), but I am excited for spring.

And I am really excited… I am looking forward to taking walks with the kids in the evenings.  And I can’t wait to go to the playground and have picnics at the park.  My son is hoping to catch a “keeper” this year and just can’t wait for the first day of fishing season.  My 4 yr is playing soccer for the first time and practice starts next week.  My son’s baseball practice’s start at the end of the month.  I know I’ll be racing around like a crazy mom with shin guards, mitts, water bottles, and snacks, but I love being a little league mom.   I do… I love watching them run around on the field and screaming for them during games!  I love peeking through the window at my daughter in gymnastics and watching the kids swim around in the pool for swim lessons.  I don’t mind being a Taxi driver, it’s totally worth it when I get there and watch them practice and improve and succeed.  I thoroughly enjoy it!  Did you see that Olympic commercial by PG for moms?  Oh, it gave me goose bumps and a lump in my throat. 


I told Scott… I think they are right… as awesome as it was for the Olympians, I bet it was 10x better for their moms!!

But, umm, back to spring…

Last night as my son and I were driving to evening church, I noticed it was 5:45 and the sun had not set. And in less than 2 weeks we get to spring ahead an hour!  Yippee for longer days! 

Spring really is coming folks!!!  2o more days!!  (mark your calendars now… Free Rita’s Italian ice on the first day of spring… a circus fam tradition)!

What are you most looking forward to about this spring?


  1. CROCUSES!!!!! My favortite!!!!HOORAY!! I don't have any at my house- so that totally made my day better! I need to plant some. I thought the same thing last night on the way to KQ! Hooray for daylight. Ahhh! which reminds me- I gotta go sign my kids up for baseball.... late.

  2. I feel ya!! I love it when it gets darker later!!! I am looking forward to opening all the windows during the day and letting the fresh air flow through!

  3. Yeah! Something ate our crocuses, but we have snowdrops blooming in the back yard : )

  4. i really like those mom commercials, too...especially the one where they sing that show tune...it is kind of stirring, actually...but not stirring enough for me to have a child :)

  5. Oh my goodness, that video almost made me cry!

  6. Oh, and as for your question...I am looking forward to MORE SUNSHINE! Wooo hooooo!

  7. Scott (a.k.a. Circus Dad)Monday, March 15, 2010

    I love our spring Crocuses


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