Backyard Warfare

There is a huge pile of bamboo in our backyard waiting for a run to the dump on Saturday.  Until then, it provided the perfect landscape for my son to build a fort and play war.  He stayed out there for hours and was so proud of his camouflage. 


Unfortunatly, his gun kinda gives him away.

When I showed this picture to my husband I said it should be called,

“Be be vewy vewy qwiet, I’m Huntin’ Wabbits!


But my son piped up, I was not hunting rabbits Mom, I was warring.  (who knew war could be a verb)?

This just might be my fav of the afternoon spent in the bamboo pile.  Every soldier needs a good buddy. 



  1. that's such a great picture of the two of them. I just love that mine are starting to get to that age. Such a perfect sibling picture, definitely a keeper.

  2. oh this looks too fun, love the camo too my son would love this

  3. i was thinking Elmer Fudd, too! such great pictures, Crystal. Jim would be so proud! love the two buddies playing together.

  4. those are some great pictures! i love his imagination for play. so awesome. i'm trying to encourage noah to be more imaginative. and that last picture is a total framer. so cute! those two are awesome!

  5. warring? cool! looks really fun :) thanks for the warm visit!

  6. I'm assuming you can't dump that now! My boys would love playing in that!

  7. What great pictures! That last one of both of them is precious. How did that little sister get so grown up?! Great memories they're making together!

  8. I LOVE these shots. It's amazing how much the gun shows up in the photos!

  9. These are GREAT! That last one is just precious.


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