Comfort Clothes


I know you’ve heard of comfort foods…typically something warm and gooey that reminds you of home or growing up or just makes you feel good inside. 

Well, this preggo woman has comfort clothes.  And they aren’t pretty.  IMG_6575OK, let me explain.  (oh, how I wish there was a good explanation…)  When I was pregnant with my son I got to be so, ahem large, that I started stealing shirts from Scott’s tee shirt drawers…Not to wear in public mind you, but I did wear them around the house so I could save my “cute “maternity clothes for when I saw people.  And since I am so considerate, I stayed away from shirts he typically wore and went for the ones in the back of the drawer. 

IMG_6578And that is where this one comes in.  Let’s take a closer look, shall we?   Rumor has it he got this shirt on the family cross country trip in 1994.  It was a wonderful, memory filled trip and this shirt was one of the coveted, carefully chosen souvenirs. 

I have no real good explanation for why I chose it though, Indian clothing isn’t typically my style.  But, you can’t choose who you love, you know?  Love chooses you.

And so it became my comfy preggo shirt.  Ya know the one you slip into when you get home from work?

Only with pregnancy number 2, 3, and 4, work was at home and so I slipped into it a little more often.  And sad to say, for some reason, love blinded me, and  I lost sight of what it was I was wearing and perhaps I began wearing it with greater frequency. 

As in, my sister in law caught me in it when she was over one day and said, “Didn’t Scott get that shirt on our cross country trip?”  busted…. I had worn it in front of company. What have I turned into?

Yea, pretty sure Stacy and Clinton will be showing up on my door step any day now. 


  1. I am pretty sure we picked up that shirt and 4 others at Custer National Park. (5 for $10.00). Good memories come with that Tee - they are even better now that I know you wore it with each Grandkiddo's pregancy.

  2. i remember picking that t-shirt out with Scott. mine was probably turquoise or something. i didn't know his would have such a long life.

    i'm requesting a picture in the hospital with it. :)

  3. That is so funny!! I used to wear so many of my husbands t-shirts as work out They are really more comfortable!!

  4. Stacy and Clinton are on their way!! ..... I'm laughing so hard- if only you could see what I am wearing right now!

  5. nice! Yeah, so I guess you'll be easy to spot at MOPS next month. :) haha

  6. I've actually inherited a few of my hubby's sweaters and such during my pregnancies! Just think, the family that shares clothes together, stays together. Yeah, that's it!

  7. ha ha ha ha! You go tribal mama!

  8. I have one shirt that The Husband got as a freeby swag give away that I adore all shirts should be made from this same material.

  9. Oh, so glad I'm not the only one! And I love that you considerately picked a "back of the closet" shirt--me too!

  10. At least someone actually paid for that t-shirt, Crystal. My comfy preggo shirts were all my husband's gigantic free blood-donation t-shirts, with slogans like, "Do it for the Donut!" :) Funny how fashion takes a seat in the way-back when one is busy growing babies....

  11. You should totally keep that shirt forever. What a sweet reminder of your pregnant days!

  12. my favorite shirt while i was pregnant was 8 sizes too big and said "That's What She Said!" my mom was so very proud.

  13. A husband's closet is a preggo's best friend, eh? :) Thanks for all the sweet comments you've left for us. Looking forward to when we get to meet YOUR bundle o' joy!

  14. ...and NOW you've worn it in front of A LOT of company! At least your expression is cute enough to make up for any wardrobe lack.


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