So Big and Yet So Small


IMG_2413After months of deliberating, praying, waiting, and a little second guessing, the first day of school finally arrived this week.   As you may recall we decided to home school, but with a twist.  We’ve enrolled our son in a home school tutorial that he attends two days a week.  So he has school at home with me three days a week, and at his tutorial 2 days a week.  In a lot of ways, it’s the best of both worlds.  Here’s a glimpse his first week at school. 


Doesn’t he look so grown up?


   The “Mom, really do you have to take this many pictures?” face


Here he is waiting for us to pick him up at the end of the day in the “dismissal room”  Doesn’t he look so little here? Who took my baby and put him in this big kid room?


And here’s our first day of school at home. 


The pledge. IMG_2444

Seat work


Visit here or here for more fun with pictures!


  1. we will be doing something very similar when little man is older! great plan mama!

    my ww:

  2. I just posted my first time over at Angie's Circus and saw that you had your post up as well. I love the pictures of your homeschool classroom! So cozy and cute! How did you get the pledge picture- did you have it timed perfectly with your camera timer?

    Sounds like a great situation you have this year! Hope it's as fun as it looks!

  3. What a wonderful opportunity to be able to do a little of both!

    Happy WW!

  4. That is just about the cutest homeschool classroom I have ever seen!

  5. What great pictures and he does look so grown up!

  6. I think you all made the right choice!

    I have missed you SO much! Keep praying for us...we need it.

  7. Oh - he does look so big! What a great idea to send him 2 days a week to the tutorial.

  8. He looks ADORABLE!!

    You got the best of both worlds! If I was able to send my kids to an ISP for two days a week, that would be a huge load off my back..LOL!

  9. I see he has a camouflage backpack. Will that mean he won't be able to find his homework?

  10. Is the desk the girls are using their baby cradle? If so that is very clever.

  11. I can't believe he's already old enough for school!!! Wasn't he just toddling up the aisle as a ring bearer??

  12. It really does sound like the best of both worlds! He looks so big and grown up!

  13. i knew this post was coming. the my-nephew-is-old-enough-to-go-to-school-now-and-i-just-can't-believe-it. and really, could he be any cuter in his uniform? i wish i could just squeeze him.

    and his two over-achieving sisters. i know they want to be just like their brother, but this might just be too much for me. love all the picture! they look so proud. and i can tell you're doing a great job already bc you have all those teacher-things up and ready! gotta love all the lamination on those walls!

    (btw, in that 4th picture, i thought we were going to see a catfight between those two girls. your son looks a little disappointed, too.)

  14. That is awesome! Thanks for sharing the pix. I'm so impressed with your choice!

  15. What a great idea, and great pics!

    Happy WW

  16. Wait, who was taking the pictures? Was it on timer?

  17. I think you came up with a nice solution! What a doll!

  18. That really is the best of both worlds. You are so fortunate to have something like that. WTG, mom!

  19. I just knew he would look like the perfect pupil. I loved the picture in the dismissal room with all those chatty girls around him! Poor thing. I guess he's used to it having two sisters, though.

    And I love your homeschool room. It looks like a little classroom all organized! And did I ever mention my undying love for a laminating machine? I want one so bad. I frequently take things to Office Depot to be laminated, but if Santa's reading your blog, I totally want my own!


    Love the pledge picture and love how your girls are getting in on the action! They will certainly excel in the years to come as well!

  20. What great photos! Looks like he's excited about it all!

  21. They just grow so fast but when they get there...they really love it, don't they? Bless his heart:-)

  22. He is adorable. I like the mix of home schooling and class room that so many parents are doing now.

  23. He's adorable! What a great idea mixing it up with 'at home' and the tutorial - if I eventually decide to home school the Princess Nagger, that's something I'd like to do, too...

    Happy WW! :)

  24. i was so happy to see you at MOPS the other night! and this post is so cute and wonderful! i can't wait to hear all the stories that come out of your homeschooling experience.

  25. Yay!! I hope you have a great homeschooling year! :-)


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